Tofu and sandwiches

If you didn't use the soy sauce last time, use it today to make soy sauce rolls, sweet, with a little milk flavor. ...


Purple bread and potatoes

Purple sweet potatoes, also known as black sweet potatoes, have a purple to dark purple flesh.In addition to the nutritional content of ordinary sweet potatoes, it is rich in trace elements and anthocyanins.Purple potatoes are rich in nutrients and have special health functions. They contain about 20% protein, including 18 amino acids that are easily digested and absorbed by the human body, including 8 vitamins such as vitamin C, B, and A, and more than 10 mineral elements such as phosphorus, iron, and so on.It has...


Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic head contain phytoncides such as allicin, which has a strong bactericidal ability and can also prevent colds.The trace element onion is a powerful antioxidant that eliminates free radicals in the body, enhances the vitality and metabolism of cells, has anti-cancer and anti-aging properties; garlic head can also delay aging. It prevents lead poisoning: it can delay aging; its antioxidant properties are better than ginseng; people who often touch lead or have a tendency to lead poisoning eat garlic,...


Meat loaf rolls

I've always thought that meatloaf is one of the most delicious breads.Although bread rolls are a very common type of bread, they do not feel easy to make, and once they failed to touch the baking, the roll broke.I used to be so sad about making bread rolls, and I flipped them over like this in my baking dictionary.To be honest, when you fail, you need the same failed work to regain your confidence. ...


Bread with meat

A few days ago, my son got sick, the whole family was upset, I couldn't sleep at night, I couldn't sleep either.Because my son is sick and he's fighting with his mother-in-law, the Cold War lasted two days, and as long as my son is sick, it's okay.I can't stand it, I don't even have an object to complain about, and sometimes I feel special.When my son got sick, he was hugged by his special lover, his nose and tears came together, and it was heartbreaking to see him.Last night I saw a woman standing with a meat loaf...


Tofu bread

This is my bread debut, and I've always been afraid to get into the category of baked bread.First of all, I'm not very interested in eating noodles, and secondly, I'm looking at other people's posts, and I don't even want to start eating noodles yet.But I had the courage to give it a try anyway, and wow, it's really exhausting!We don't have a bread maker at home, so we have to work hard with our hands, but we don't have to work hard to get the film out.Fortunately, on the day of making this bread, although it was a...


A meal pack of sweet potatoes

Purple potatoes, also known as black potatoes, have a purple to dark purple flesh.In addition to the nutritional content of ordinary sweet potatoes, it is rich in trace elements and anthocyanins.It has been described as the seventh most essential nutrient after water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.It is the most direct, effective, and safe free radical remover for the protection of human health, and its ability to remove free radicals is 20 times that of vitamin C and 50 times that of vitamin ...


Japanese dairy bread

Do the finished product, it's beautiful.
Post some more pictures, will you?
Cut it off.
All the ingredients ...


Rose bread

So the material
In addition to butter, the material is liquid first, then powdered below, digging a corner in the mi...


Rich with fish bags

All ingredients except butter are placed in the bread maker's inner barrel.
The dough is kneaded to a smooth surface...


Sesame seeds

Mix the flour with warm water for 30 minutes, cut all the ingredients, add butter and white sugar, mix evenly
By the...


Onion bacon and cheese bread

All materials are placed in the baking machine (except butter) and mixed evenly with butter until the expansion stage.
