A small meal pack of strawberry jam

I've finally found a better way to eat it.It's so delicious to make a small meal wrapped in bread. ...


Mountain bread

How many grams is a kilo a day? In the past, 450 grams of wavy toast was made with about 300 grams of flour.How big is this box of toast that says 1 kg = 600 grams of toast and uses only 250 grams of flour? If you could write down the length, width and height of the box, it would be easier to fold it.As much as he cares, he makes this mountain-shaped toast with two wavy toast boxes in his hands.This is the first time that a piece of dough has been divided after two fermentations.I waited patiently for it to come ou...


Middle-seeded bread

Adapt the ham ham from the bread book into a crispy bread.I always thought that this ham sandwich was actually a pineapple bag.After looking closely at the ingredients, it was found that the original name of the hemp was justified, because the hemp peel was used in the hemp peel.Although the diamond-shaped mesh of the skin reminds one of a pineapple bag at first, it is not without reason that it is a mesh of the skin of a hummingbird.However, none of this matters.Why do you have to build a different stove to make t...


Large flower beds

As mentioned earlier, Lebanese bread is the name of an Eastern European country, meaning "big bread".The best of Russian origin.There are many varieties of reba, the most famous of which is black reba, which is mainly made from whole-wheat rye.Large bread is a traditional staple of Russian cuisine.In the past, every farm in Russia had only one bakery, and families regularly baked bread in the bakery.Usually only eaten at home, so the bread is made especially large, sliced when eaten.Over time, specific techniques a...


Flower-shaped hard bread

Today, this bread, which belongs to the display of bread in the windows of European bakeries, can weigh up to a dozen kilos, and small ones can weigh two or three kilos, this one I made weighs only one kilo, and compared to people's homes, it is a miniature bread.It is not difficult to make, at first glance, but the appearance is better, the preparation is slightly more cumbersome, slightly more interesting, the fermentation requires a lower temperature for a longer time, the flavor is more intense, it belongs to t...


Bakery version of ham bread

Preparing all the materials
Materials other than yeast and oil are placed in the packaging barrel.
Select menu 7...


It's a good thing I'm not here.

Put all the ingredients in the dough except the butter in the baking machine, use the normal bread process and knead for...


Bread and butter

Thick slices of sliced bread, chopped garlic, chopped onions, melted butter.
Butter is evenly applied to the bread s...


Homemade bread is also good.

The last time I went back to my mother-in-law's house, I bought some homemade whole wheat flour, and I was still wondering if it would rub out the film.After trying it, I found out that it was an unexpected surprise, and I made a beautiful toast and this bag.Of course, I'm selfish, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside, I'm cold to eat breakfast outside.With milk tea and eggs and ham, this is the meal I'm eating.Raw...


Tofu bread

Prepare the mixer and pour the milk into the bread bucket.
Add the high-quality flour gently to the barrel.
Dig ...


Potato bread

The potatoes are washed and steamed in the pan, because the cake is made at the same time, so it takes more, usually thr...


Sausage and tuna hamburgers

Get the ingredients ready and let's get started!
Put a piece of cheese on the first layer of the hamburger base and ...
