Chocolate cake with animals

A thick chocolate cake base, topped with a smooth chestnut sauce, with a little crispy walnut flavor.It's both delicious and adorable to make a cake in the shape of an animal.Who says a cookie model can only make cookies? Take your kids and make a cake with them.Chestnut sauce: Chestnut (peeled) 120 g butter 10 g cream 75 g, white sugar 10 g and a small amount of salt, put together in the cooking machine to make a sauce, you can cook ...


Meat and shellfish cake

All materials are ready.
Protein and egg yolk separation
Mix 10 g of sugar, milk, corn oil and stir evenly


Cartoon tree house cake

After mixing the egg yolk with fine sugar and water, add corn oil, stir until the color turns white, sieve into low-stre...


What is the meaning of the name?

Protein released 3 times
Ten lemon juice and ten salts.
Butter and sugar in the bowl
Preheat the oven to 180...


Red date cake

This cake uses small ground eggs, and I personally feel that ground eggs smell better than ordinary eggs, although the head is a little smaller.So the number of eggs is higher than usual, but the weight of the yolk doesn't change much.The cake has some dates in it, and when it is baked, the cake has the smell of dates.Friends who like to eat dates should like this little cake.Red date cake, rich in nutrients, suitable as a breakfast staple, afternoon tea, and outdoor snacks. ...


Cherry blossoms in the field

April is a season of flowers, a warm season, love April, love the sun, love the warmth of spring, love everything about April.April, the season of cherry blossoms, pale pink petals blowing in the wind, like countless fairies dancing in the air, as if in a dream.The cherry blossoms are beautiful, the beauty is simple, the beauty is short-lived, the beauty is brilliant, you will always remember her, even if it is short-lived but eternal brilliance! The salt of the salted cherry blossoms enhances the sweetness of the ...


The almond napoleon

A combination of almonds and egg yolk...


The cake.

This year's Girls' Kindergarten was very innovative and brilliant, with the theme of Food Festival parent-child activities, asking each child's parent to make a safe, fresh and hygienic meal on the day, and get the kindergarten to share with other parents and children.Most of the parents brought elaborate dishes, including fruit pizzas, pastries, handmade dishes, etc., which looked delicious and very tempting.The kindergarten also provides many meals for everyone to eat, perhaps this way of eating together is very ...


Yoghurt and peanut butter cake

The basic ingredients of this cake are only eggs, flour, sugar and oil, which is actually a small sponge cake.To increase its nutritional value, I added a little bit of raw yogurt, mixed with some nuts, sesame seeds, etc.In operation, no additives are required as long as the whole egg is delivered in place and the chopping method is accurate.Since it doesn't have a lot of sugar and oil, it's a very healthy little cake. ...


Birthday cake for rabbits

Today is my daughter's 2nd birthday, and she has received many blessings from her relatives and friends, and I sincerely wish her health and happy growth! I specially baked a cake last night, ready to make a birthday cake today.It's my favorite rabbit, and the baby is supposed to be a rabbit, it's very appropriate! In the morning, when my grandmother took her out to play, she started to get busy, and the kitchen was full of cream, but my daughter was happy to see it, and it worked!...


Cake rolls

Prepare the ingredients.
Egg yolk separated from the egg yolk.
Add 20 grams of sugar, milk, and sesame oil to th...


Lemon and cheese cake

Frozen cheesecake is perfect for the taste of summer, and I've heard that there's a problem with domestic cherries, so replace the decorative fruit yourself....
