Purple flowers

I bought a lot of purple potatoes, and I thought the color of the purple potatoes was beautiful, so I made purple potato paste.It's been a long time since I've made bread, and it's just that there's purple mashed potatoes for bread, and purple mashed potatoes for flowers....


Flower bread

When I first started writing recipes, I thought I should write about bread, and I made a toast almost every week, and the bread was good, and I taught a lot of people.I've been writing squares for a long time, I've been lazy, I haven't taken pictures, I've put the square of the bread down.I've eaten all my bags today, so I can write about it....


Location of Fukushima

If there's an Italian barbecue, it's guaranteed to make you feel like a combination of pizza and barbecue.Yes, countrymen, Fokasha needs to eat hot. ...


Cinnamon wrap

Bread full of energy!!!...


Milk and bean bread

One of the children's favorite breads, which is characterized by a strong aroma of milk, is also a very simple and good bread, which can be said to be zero failure!...


Strawberry cheese bread

This is what my sister learned last week at the ABD cooking studio.ABC's curriculum is very detailed, from how to operate to how to use tools, and you can learn even from scratch. ...


Purple rice bread

The practice of purple rice grape filling: purple rice is cooked with a little water, sugar and salt are added to melt a...


Tuna with onions

Handmade bread for breakfast couldn't be more appropriate - plus this oven, the more you see, the more you love, so you have to stop.The previous mechanical oven at home, I basically didn't use it for fermentation, I used it for fermentation, I also put a bowl of water in it, for fear that the dough would dry out.Cass's oven, there's a fermentation option on the menu, so if you want to try it, it's quite tempting to do it with one click.Of course, the result is also quite pleasant and uplifting. The dough is very g...


Glucose rice and honey bread

In the winter, even without sunlight, it's nice to have warm dough in your hand.Bread is a blessing to me.I like it, and maybe it likes me, too.From childhood to adulthood, I couldn't get rid of it, because I loved it so much, so I tried to learn how to make bread, this time it was a success, soft and sticky taste, one word right. ...



Focaccia is a traditional Italian home-cooked bread that is a staple of breakfast at home, and the sugar and oil in the sweet bread is always a bit of a burden, but this bread is different, the baking percentage of sugar and oil is only 3%, and the oil is even healthier olive oil.The best part is that the dough is smooth, you don't have to knead it, you don't have to knead it, you don't have to knead it, you don't have to knead it, you don't have to knead it, you don't have to knead it. ...


Onion bread

This is the third time I've made bread, and the result was unexpected.Although it looks too naive compared to the rest of the food, it's much better than the first one, the second one is much better, it's more fluffy, it's very happy, and it's a milestone in May.The first time it was made according to the jam small bread in the popular Wen Yi app, maybe at that time the temperature was still relatively low, the fermentation was not complete and the patience was not enough, the resulting peel was more hard, although...


Salted bread with pine nuts and potatoes

All dough ingredients except onions can be mixed in the wrapping machine for 15 minutes, then mixed with onions for 10 m...
