Red bean meal pack

My mother and I like to eat all kinds of food about red beans, we go to my parents' house on the weekends, we get up early to prepare red beans for the family to eat, the red beans are bought at the supermarket, we used to fry the red beans ourselves, now the weather is hot, the live of the fried beans is not good, so I steal the lazy. ...


Onion hot dog bread

All ingredients except garlic and sesame seeds are mixed into a dough and fermented to 2.5 times the size
The fermen...


Bread with meat

The whole family loves the meatloaf bread. ...


Banana bread

It's a very moist bread, and it tastes like a banana!...


Toast in the evening, sandwich in the morning - nutritious, fast

We are all working people, lunch and dinner are basically eaten outside, only breakfast can carry our full happiness. ...


Cabbage bread

I made two copies using the Chinese method and the common method, and the recipe says the number of parts per bowl.


Smoked bread

If you're interested, you can check out my daily carefully curated recipes and how to lose weight!...


Two loaves of bread

I've made a lot of bread, and I feel that it's easy to make, it's easy to cook, it's easy to cook, it's easy to cook, it's easy to cook....


Banana and cherry sauce packages

I made my own cherry jam, and I saw that the bananas in the house were ripe, and I added the bananas to the main ingredient, and I made this popcorn meal package, and after it was baked, the cherry jam inside flowed out like a sandbag, and it tasted very soft, super sticky. ...


Tofu and bread

The red bean sandwich I use is homemade, and can be found in my other recipe (homemade red bean sandwich), which has a specific preparation method. ...


Red sugar corn peel soft bag

It is rich in dietary fiber, which is an essential nutrient for the human body, as well as rich in amino acids and rich in trace elements.This fragrant, nutritious and tasty soft bread is made from the peel of buckwheat and the sugar of the same healthy ingredient, as follows:...


Baby breakfast - toast and cheese rolls

The ingredients are ready to use: toast, eggs, cod liver, cheese, meatloaf, seaweed.
And then you cut the toast with...
