Cabbage oil and fruit salad

It is cooked in water with olive oil for 15 minutes, then dried and cooled. It is easy to cook, and after cooking it is ...


Dried salmon with vegetables

A bag of frozen salmon in the fridge, it's been a while, so I fried it!...


Mint and vegetable salad

First, cut the mint leaves and mix them with the salt and pepper.
It is made by adding a little corn kernel to the l...


Spicy steak

The element needed by the human body contained in beef is the most abundant.These include: proteins, plasma, iron, vitamins, zinc, phosphorus, and various amino acids.It is not possible for the human body to absorb all the nutrients it needs from a variety of foods, but it is most directly and fully absorbed from beef.Moreover, beef has a high nutritional content, with more than half of the 22 amino acids needed by the human body every day, which can be manufactured by the human body, but there are eight amino acid...


Handmade pasta

Pour the flour onto the table, and use your fingers to dig a well in the middle that can hold an egg yolk.
I'd like ...


Cheese and bread crab

This dish is made by my niece, and I'm in charge of photography.She also likes to cook, and she's very talented, and I haven't cooked many dishes, and she's very good at it.We used to eat steamed or fried crab at home, but this time she invented a dish that tastes really different.The potato paste is wrapped in silk, the cheese has melted, the cheese has melted, the cheese has melted, the cheese has melted, the cheese has melted....


Western turkey

The turkey is washed, gutted, and seasoned with salt and pepper for 30 minutes.
The rice is separated from the dry w...


Creamed potatoes

Wash the potatoes, boil them in water for about half an hour, and add a little salt.
You can try it with a chopstick...


Sausage meat and rice

Carrots cut into grains, cabbage cut into silk, onions cut into ginger;
Put it on the fire, add the meat filling, ad...


German potatoes

Wash the potatoes, peel them, put them in a pot with a reasonable amount of water, cook them on fire for about 40 minute...


Beef waist pie

Pour vegetable oil into a large pan, heat it, fry the beef, then take it out and put it aside.
Flip your waist in th...


A glorious chapter

Mix the high starch flour and the low starch flour, dig a hole in the middle, put it in the egg yolk, sugar, pork fat, m...
