Milked cherry flower cake

The cherry blossoms, when they bloom, are so enthusiastic, elegant and pure, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle.Salted cherry blossoms are cherry blossoms that have to be changed repeatedly in the middle of boiling, boiling too little time will have a faint salty taste, and you can't use hot water bubbles, hot water bubbles will fade the color of the cherry blossoms, so be sure to remember to boil in...


Strawberry yogurt and cheese mousse

Gelatin slices are melted with cold water bubbles, butter waterproofing, and biscuits are powdered
Butter + biscuits...


Orange and coconut in the spring

If so, there's that one sunny spring afternoon, brewing a cup of tea, pale green.With two or three acquaintances, this pleasant tea is enough for life. ...


Strawberry jelly cake

Strawberries, jelly, yogurt cake, I wanted to eat it all at once! So I made a strawberry jelly cake......


Oil-free cotton paper cupcake

Those who play baking will make sea cucumber cakes and sea cucumber cakes, these two cakes can be said to be entry-level, relatively speaking, everyone says sea cucumber cakes are relatively simple and have a high success rate, generally they will start learning from sea cucumber cakes, I am just the opposite, when I first came into contact with baking I did not know what sea cucumber cakes and sea cucumber cakes were, I referred to a recipe to start baking, after several failures and successes I found out that the...


8 inch mango mousse

First, make a cake with three eggs.
It's actually a six-inch piece of bread baked in an eight-inch mold, exactly div...


Original flavored cake

I don't know when it started last month, but it didn't work, it collapsed, and I remember doing it a few times before, and it didn't collapse when I first got in touch with it, it just shrunk in a hurry, and then I saw it now, and I knew how imperfect it was.It's because it's not perfect, so these two months I haven't done anything, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking it, I've been baking ...


The Brest Tower in Paris

Paris-Brest Paris-Brest is a wheel-shaped bubble with more than 100 years of history, and the origin of its name is also very interesting, invented by the very famous West Pointers of the time, who were inspired by bicycle wheels while watching the Paris-Brest-Paris bicycle race.Here I'm going to play it again, and I'm going to make it into a multi-layered buffet, and it's going to be eye-catching as a party dessert!...


The cranberry wind

The taste of dried cranberries mixed with sweet and sour coconut is delicious!...


The cake roll - a well-remembered square

Protein egg yolk is separated, egg yolk is added to 10 grams of white sugar, mixed evenly, mixed evenly with 40 grams of...


Red velvet cup cake

This is when I was learning how to make red velvet cakes, and I had the idea to pour the dough into a small paper cup, smaller and more accessible.Because red beans are a little bit bitter, friends who don't like them can add a little more sugar. ...


Towel cake rolls

I'm a foodie, I love to eat cake, the cake shop eats cake, it's really expensive, I don't know if it's clean.With a few worries, I bought myself an oven, I wanted to eat roast beef, I wanted to eat cake, I baked, my husband had been raised by me....
