Chiang Kai-shek cake with leaves

Some ingredients: low-powdered white sugar, vanilla oil, eggs, milk, cocoa powder
Egg yolk separated, about 180 gram...


Sushi cake rolls

Preparation of materials, separation of egg yolk and egg yolk.
Add 30 grams of white sugar to the egg yolk and stir ...


Cake of the wind

It's been a long time since I've had a chance to bake this cake, and I've failed a few times, and after summing up each experience, this one was a success, so let's remember it. ...


Tea and honey

Honey bean cream tea is definitely the perfect combination.It's sweet, it's sweet, it makes you feel good.This approach is based on a combination of your own practical experience. ...


King Kong pound cake

It's been a long time since I've wanted to make this cake, and it's been in the mold for over a year, and today it's been revealed to this heart-shaped shape!...


Rice and sponge cake

Everyone can make delicious cakes, and without an oven, you can make soft, spicy cakes with electric rice.The cake is the simplest, the requirements are not high, the use of eggs, the use of flour, the use of sugar, etc. There are no strict requirements, roughly the same, there is no problem, almost zero failure, as long as the eggs are sent in place, the flour is mixed evenly, the cake is soft and does not collapse.Using an electric rice cooker to make a cake doesn't take into account whether it will be baked or n...


Light cheese and egg cake

You have to taste this delicate flavor to see the durian light cheese cake of women, suddenly you want to do it, even hurry to buy materials.When the cheese came back, it didn't taste like durian, and I thought, this thing is expensive, if you add durian, it's more expensive, if you can't do it, it's not a waste, or do it from the beginning! It's right to do everything from the beginning, as long as the foundation is done, there will be no problem.Let's move!...


A low-sugar version of the 6-inch fan

I don't know if I'm lucky enough to have succeeded in my third attempt.In fact, it's not as scary as it says on the internet, it can drive people crazy, and it's easy to succeed if you pay attention to some details.The bear recently coughed and couldn't eat sweets.But it's a pity that every time I pick up food, I'm forced to put it down and cry in my arms for half a day.So he reduced his sugar intake and made this soup to relieve his hunger.Mothers with children can try it, it's not as sweet, but it's more suitable...


Cranberry whipped cream cake

I like to bake, but I don't like high calories, I don't like sweetness, so I've been exploring low-fat, low-sugar baking, this cake I've controlled both oil and sugar to the limit, I've made it several times, it's very successful, low-fat, low-sugar cake, I ate it and wanted to eat it, I added cranberries, just to mask the smell of eggs, my very picky baker appreciated this cake too.Since the sugar content is very low, I use frozen eggs, which are more stable, and I use a hollow, evenly heated, ordinary cake mold. ...


Tic-Tac-Toe cake

A pound cake is a simple and sweet cake, especially suitable to be enjoyed with black tea or coffee.I used Chamorro's toast mold, the outer size is 26.2 x 10.6 x 6.1 cm.Although it's easy to make pound cakes, it's important to know how to make them fluffy, sweet, and butter-filled.I've done this square matching a few times, and it's been quite successful, and I'm sharing it with you today. ...


Tea and honey red beans

The cake has always been popular at home, and with the fresh aroma of Japanese matcha and the slightly sweet taste of red beans, it is the perfect flavor. ...


Milked cherry flower cake

The cherry blossoms, when they bloom, are so enthusiastic, elegant and pure, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle, and when they fall, they are so gentle and gentle.Salted cherry blossoms are cherry blossoms that have to be changed repeatedly in the middle of boiling, boiling too little time will have a faint salty taste, and you can't use hot water bubbles, hot water bubbles will fade the color of the cherry blossoms, so be sure to remember to boil in...
