Honey purple bread rolls and vanilla coconut rolls with a more delicious color

Sunday is a good time for dead bread, this bread I've made several times is very good, today I'm going to share it with you, I hope you like it too, hurry up and get the ingredients ready to practice....


Milk bread

All dough ingredients except butter are poured into the wrapping machine and stirred for 20 minutes.
Add butter and ...


Chocolate spiral bread

The number is six.The basic fermentation temperature is 28 degrees, humidity: 75%.The final fermentation temperature is 38 degrees and the humidity is 85%.Oven temperature: 180 degrees FahrenheitFire up and down the middle layer.Baking time: 20 minutes ...


Cake rolls with meat

Add coconut oil, white sugar, and milk to the egg yolk and stir evenly.
Sift into low powder and stir into egg yolk ...


Paper cups of bread made with sponge yeast

Yesterday I saw an event where bread recipes were uploaded for free.This square is referenced in a book, but the usage and operating details are not entirely according to the book, because the individual details written in the book do not claim to be detailed.It makes me a little excited, a little soft.It's not like some of the bread I've made before, the skin is hard after it's cold.There was butter in the top of the book, so I took it off and replaced it with pork fat. ...


Banana cake with walnuts

The protein is separated from the yolk, and the vinegar is put into the protein to make a chopstick.
Put the butter ...


Taiwanese bread champion Lin Yuqiang's Uyghur meal package

Yoghurt, which is our common yogurt, is a Taiwanese dish, learned from the Taiwanese bread champion baker Lin Yuqiu.There are many benefits of drinking yogurt, it can strengthen the immune system of the human body, let us be energetic and have unlimited energy. When I ate it for the first time in class, the soft and not too sweet taste conquered me, especially the unique filling, the mascarpone combined with orange wine, the combined taste is very special, then I thought that my family likes people who like soft sw...


Soft rose bread

Pour all the main ingredients into the cooking machine and stir.
Homogeneous to smooth
Add butter and salt and c...


Embryo hot dog bread

After mixing all the intermediate materials into a lump, put them in the refrigerator for 22 hours at 5 ° C. After remov...


Apple flipping the cake

The apple peel is cleaned with salt and cut into 0.3 cm slices.
Add 50 ml of water and 60 grams of sugar to the pan ...


Handmade French bread

It's one of my favorite breads! It's almost every day when I'm traveling in France, and it's a very simple and very satisfying time to spend the day with house wine.After learning how to make bread, I couldn't wait to try the stick, but I found that the simpler the ingredients, the harder the bread is to make.Countless failures, countless references to other people's recipes, and finally a French bread that everyone says is good. ...


Rice cakes

You can make soft, delicious cakes without the oven....
