A small cake with cream.

Cream, how much fun.Baking is inseparable from it.All kinds of cream have all kinds of uses, and I really like it.I can't tell the difference between the different kinds of cream! Hey, hey, if you want to figure it out, the best way is to do it, do more baking, you'll always get used to it slowly.There are a lot of things that stink with cream, I used to hit the cream on the head, today I hit the cream on the head too.Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, do it again, hey, you'll have more experience after failing.The ...


Multi-layered birthday cake

It's my daughter's birthday, it's her last birthday in the garden, she's going to school next year, she should have made a birthday cake for her.My daughter saw that my mother was very busy, and she said quietly, "I don't know why you bought me one to send".How can you do that? You have to make one yourself."How can a beginner make a cake to surprise his daughter? This is the first birthday cake he has made himself, he must give his daughter a surprise, of course! How can he do it?"The question is, are we new, can ...


French macaroni

Macaroni's beautiful appearance, exquisite shape, beautiful skirt edge, how many people are obsessed with her as a dessert! I'm a little white, after several failures, repeated defeats and wars, I finally made a qualified Macaroni, the moment I saw it come out successfully, I cried with joy. This dessert that makes people love and hate, the details decide the success and failure reflected in it!...


Cream cakes

Prepare some paper cupcakes
You can add white sugar according to your taste, and a drop of dye, and I'll add blue!


It's called lemonade.

Those of you who love to watch Korean movies and actually eat, you must remember which Korean movie this cute little heart appeared in?! Yes, it's Kim Jong-un, hey hey... I've always been a little uncomfortable with this little heart, how to say, maybe it feels normal, it doesn't arouse my interest, plus the baby in the house doesn't like to eat cake, so I haven't done it yet.Why should I call a small cake a belly fat? Everyone knows that after baking, Madeleine has a small belly drum high, and it's still a smiling...


Fresh orange cake rolls

Eggs are separated (the color is heavier than at home, and the egg whites are more sticky than those bought abroad).


Cranberry whipped cream cake

It's been less than a month since I started baking, and although it's a headache, it's really enough for me, who doesn't strive for perfection, but just wants to give my children a healthy snack without additives... baking brings me joy and happiness, I can't say enough... and I wish I could follow ACA's activities further....


Honey and cream cake

A very simple cupcake made with honey and light cream, or honey cream. ...


Protein shellfish

Protein left over. ...


Chocolate chip cookies

I'm thinking of making cookies at noon to surprise the girl when she picks her up in the afternoon.
The butter is so...


Pancakes with cashews

Because of the addition of cashew powder, it has a more nutty flavor than ordinary butter biscuits.The material used is of a very high specification.In fact, the ingredients play a big role in whether the biscuits are good to eat or not.One or two of those cookies in the supermarket, I wonder what kind of ingredients they use.Why don't you buy some good ingredients and make your own biscuits for your family without additives? ...


Tiles of almonds

It's a thin, crisp, and fragrant snack.The kids love it. ...
