Double peach cream cake

This delicious cake is made from a cake made from a cake made from a cake made from a cake made from a cake made from a cake made from a cake made from a cake made from a cake made from a cake....


White strawberry cake

It's easy for beginners to make their own cake, something they wouldn't have thought of before.Thank you guys, let me slow down a little bit and start doing it myself.This cake is for my sister, a small wedding anniversary gift.Using bright red strawberries and white cream, I chose a flower that doesn't need a flower base.Hey, can we avoid the projects that we're not good at?My baking started from scratch, and after countless failures, I finally made it, and it's still pretty solid.Allow me to praise myself.Materia...


Oreo chocolate cake

I'm a fan of the Orioles....


Tuna with onions

Handmade bread for breakfast couldn't be more appropriate - plus this oven, the more you see, the more you love, so you have to stop.The previous mechanical oven at home, I basically didn't use it for fermentation, I used it for fermentation, I also put a bowl of water in it, for fear that the dough would dry out.Cass's oven, there's a fermentation option on the menu, so if you want to try it, it's quite tempting to do it with one click.Of course, the result is also quite pleasant and uplifting. The dough is very g...


Chocolate chip cookies

A very simple biscuit cookie, made with pre-mixed flour, that even the inexperienced can handle. ...


Tea and honey rolls

I want to try a lot of things that taste like tea and give them to people who like them....


Scented eggs.

The food is ready.
Milk in soft cream
Put in the right amount of milk.
Add the butter, sugar, and stir evenl...


Italian pasta

Preparing raw materials and thinking of fresh pepper sauce and digital letters for pasta backup
Boiling water in a p...


Corn bacon and tuna pizza

My son's friends came to play at my house on Sunday, and the two little guys like to eat pizza, so let's make it with the ingredients from the house!...


A colorful meal

The new year is approaching, so I decided to make a dish that feels festive, wheat for nourishment, five fruits for help, then I just come with five colors as a supplement, hip hip ^_^ green red yellow white and black, each color can not be less, like the taste of life sour sweet bitter spicy like, taste the time of each year oh, love of food, love of life, to add color to the new year, come up with a good name, call the year has fish - five colors in the heart of the mealThe fish can represents the fish, green is ...


A colorful meal

The new year is approaching, so I decided to make a dish that feels festive, wheat for nourishment, five fruits for help, then I just come with five colors as a supplement, hip hip ^_^ green red yellow white and black, each color can not be less, like the taste of life sour sweet bitter spicy like, taste the time of each year oh, love of food, love of life, to add color to the new year, come up with a good name, call the year has fish - five colors in the heart of the mealThe fish can represents the fish, green is ...
