Snail bread

The ingredients other than butter are placed in the container in the order of liquid to powder, and finally in the dry y...


Flaxseed bread

I used to love braids, but when I had kids, I cut my hair short, and it's still short.It's a boy, it's not possible to tie a braid, you can only tie a braid for bread. ...


Mini Danish Red Bean Bread

Although I love European hard bread, I can't resist Danish bread either.The strong smell of milk and the crispy feeling always make me thirsty.But the Danish bread in many bakeries always disappoints me, and today's real Danish bread tastes just as good as the delicious cow horn bread. ...


Tea and cookies

Preparing the Materials
Add sugar and sugar powder to softened butter and stir and spread (must be stirred and sprea...


The little lion cookie.

Send the butter, add the sugar powder and continue the delivery.
Add the egg yolk and send it to full integration.


Cheese and ham toast

The year is counted in the spring, and the day is counted in the morning.Breakfast must be eaten like a queen!!!!! Every kilogram of cheese is made from 10 kilograms of concentrated milk.Cheese is the champion of calcium supplementation in dairy products.Cheese is rich in calcium and is easily absorbed by the human body. Cheese without lactose is very easy to digest and absorb. ...


Cinnamon rolls

Once I bought a cinnamon bread, it left a shadow, I didn't dare to touch the cinnamon for a long time, until last week Opera Bombana tasted the cinnamon roll, I fell deeply in love with the roll, I fell in love with the taste. ...


The golden cake

This cake is made using the hot-paste method, so the cake is soft, delicate, moist, and creamy, and the beautiful patterns make it even more delicious. ...


Monkey bread

The history of this monkey bread is unclear, maybe it was baked and put on the table, and the whole family picked it up and ate it while it was hot, like picking fruit, did anyone think it was a bit monkey-like? [laughs] The key is that no matter what the recipe is, the caramel on the surface seems to be flowing down, very tempting.The finished bread is eaten hot, with a faint cinnamon aroma, crispy sugar juice and bread flavor, sweetness of dried sugar, bitter strong aroma of walnuts, complex taste fills the mouth...
