The golden cake

This cake is made using the hot-paste method, so the cake is soft, delicate, moist, and creamy, and the beautiful patterns make it even more delicious. ...


Banana fried cake

Bananas are pressed into clay with a fork and sprinkled with lemon juice
Egg yolk and sugar dispersed by hand


Snail bread

This little snail bread is also a reference to Sister Liberty's square, 50 grams of low-fat flour I replaced with 50 grams of medium-fat flour.Because the small part of the snail's house is too tightly rolled, the dough is squeezed out, resulting in the small snail's house being tower-shaped, the top part is more prominent, naturally the first color, so the finished color is not uniform.The custard is temporarily thawed, squeezed unevenly, squeezed too much, and in short, there are several flaws in this small bread...


Bread for the Feet

It's very popular with children, so I took my kids to the mountains on the weekends, and I made a few of them, and I just came out of the oven, and I really liked it, and I took a picture with the camera, and I couldn't wait to finish it, and I couldn't wait to bite my toes off, haha, that's really interesting!...


Sheep and goats bread

Sheep, goats, sheep, goats, goats, goats, goats, goats, goats, goats, goats, goats, goatsDon't look at me, I'm just a sheep, the grass is green because I'm more fragrant, the sky is blue because I'm more fragrant, the clouds are white because I'm softer. ...


The taste of summer - 65°C soup and red bean toast

When I first started baking, I especially hated the taste of matcha.Then I realized that it wasn't the tea, it was me.You're wrong! High-quality Japanese matcha is something you can't help but love.I strongly recommend this matcha red bean toast, the recipe is based on the 65°C soup type bread, many details have been adjusted, reducing the sweetness, and highlighting the fresh aroma of the matcha powder.The addition of the soup makes the bread very soft, and the taste is immediately rich with the honey and red bean...


Snail custard bread

All ingredients except butter are mixed together until the dough expands and the surface is smooth.
Add butter to th...


Bread for the Feet

It's very popular with children, so I took my kids to the mountains on the weekends, and I made a few of them, and I just came out of the oven, and I really liked it, and I took a picture with the camera, and I couldn't wait to finish it, and I couldn't wait to bite my toes off, haha, that's really interesting!...


Snail bread

I made a snail cookie that day, and I thought it was fun, and I had an unprecedented interest in the shape of this little snail, and no, I thought about snails when I was making breakfast on the weekends, and I tried to make snail-shaped bread, and wow, it's amazing!...


Hot dogs

A hot dog is a type of sausage.A whole-bread sandwich with hot dogs can also be called a hot dog.Hot dogs can be served with many types of ingredients, such as tomato sauce, tomato paste, mustard paste, cabbage paste, onion paste, lettuce paste, tomato paste (sliced, sliced or sliced) and pepper.I love hot dogs, so I have to go to Ikea and get two.Today's squares are consuming natural bacteria, so do it yourself. ...


A cranberry snack pack that beginners prefer to use

The sour-sweet cranberries have always been one of my favorite dried fruits, cranberries contain antioxidants such as vitamin C and are rich in fructose, which can help remove toxins and excess fat from the body. Imported boxes are sold in large supermarkets, and online shopping is also very convenient.Since the bread maker broke down, I couldn't find anything to repair it, so I threw it away when I moved in, and now I mostly do it by hand, although it takes a long time, but it's fun.In addition to the simple shapi...


Japanese dairy bread

After kneading according to the usual bread procedure until the thin film can be pulled out, the softened butter is adde...
