Butter and cheese cookies

When it comes to baking, most people's answer is biscuits. Indeed, compared to cakes, bread, etc., biscuits have a very high success rate, without worrying about cracking, sinking, or over-fermentation.The difficulty of this biscuit is not high, unlike other biscuits in the ingredients, cream cheese is added, so that the overall taste is improved.I feel better eating it, mixed with thick cheese flavor, European flavor, should be the preferred dessert for afternoon tea. ...


This is Margaret.

The full name of Margaret's biscuits is Miss Margaret, who lives in Stresa, Italy. It is said that a long time ago, a pastry chef fell in love with a lady, and while making biscuits, he silently recited the name of his lover, put his handprint on the biscuits, and took the name of this lady as the name of the dessert.This is the origin of Miss Margaret's cookies in Stresa, Italy.This cookie was later known as the "Lover's Mark".In addition to such a romantic name, zero difficulty is also an important reason for its...


Caramel and almond cookies

For this cookie, it's really love at first sight, (originally an almond controller) can be summed up in a few words, crisp, fragrant, sweet, really all with flavor.Let's see how it's made....


Almonds and mushrooms

The smell of almonds, the taste of garlic, the heart is so good that you can't stop eating it. ...


Whole wheat black sesame cookies

I'm getting more and more fond of making biscuits because it's much easier to make biscuits than it is to make cakes, and it's also quite quick to clean up the battlefield after it's done....


Highly recommended orange card biscuits

Card cookies are the basis of baking, usually with new friends, we all recommend cookies first, but there is also the problem that home baking rarely adds industrial additives, so usually good-looking cookies don't look good, and good-looking cookies taste worse.Most of what's good about it is the shape of the card cookie.I'm from the Appearance Association, so I've been looking for a nice square of card-shaped cookies, and this is the most satisfying square so far, and I'm going to keep it. ...


Sesame and walnut biscuits

The butter is softened, mixed with butter and sugar, and sent to the microwave.
Add to the mixture evenly
Add th...


Chocolate shaped biscuits

I've always wanted to find a recipe for a cookie that's simple to make, doesn't use butter, and has a spicy flavor, while still maintaining a lovely shape and doesn't swell too much during baking.After many attempts, I finally figured out the recipe.Here's a special thank you to my family for their strong support, and on my journey of discovery, whether the test item is hard or soft, crisp or crunchy, beautiful or ugly in appearance, it's all picked up and destroyed!...


Chocolate cookies with almonds

Chocolate and nuts are a perfect match, and this cookie combines the crispness of almonds with the sweetness of chocolate, making it the most tempting combination, making you eat one and think of the other.This cookie is suitable for beginners and busy people.Make two more in the fridge, freeze them, take them out and bake them when you want to eat them.When the plate is full, any weight loss plan is boiled.Almonds can also be exchanged for almonds, walnuts, etc. ...


Cocoa and almond cake

The butter is heated by the water, and one-third of it is separated, making it easy to ship.
Let's use the egg beate...


Egg whites

Egg yolk + eggs + sugar boiled in 40°C water
Multiple times the volume expansion.
Egg droplets raised with an eg...


Cheddar cheese cookies

First of all, cheddar cheese, also known as cheddar cheese, cheddar cheese, cheddar cheese.Its name derives from its 16th-century English origin in Cheddar County, it is a hard, full-fat cow's milk cheese from Cheddar, Somerset, England, with a long history.It is white or golden yellow in color, has a delicate texture, a soft taste, and contains 45% milk fat.It is now widespread in many parts of the world, especially in the United States.It is the second most consumed cheese in the United States (the most sold is M...
