Spicy tuna pizza

It is filled with spicy canned tuna, aged cheese with lace cheese, and the finished pizza has a different flavor....


Homemade fruit peels

It is rich in nutrients and contains almost all the nutrients of the fruit, especially organic acids and vitamin C.It has anti-cancer properties such as digestive accumulation, blood circulation, and anti-cancer properties.It can be eaten directly, or it can be made into slices, or it can be made into cake, or it can be made into sauce, etc.It is the easiest food to make at home.Today I'm going to show you my goddamn skin!...


This is a sausage pizza.

All materials except butter are put together in one place.
Using post-oil method, knead the dough until the surface ...


Banana cake with coconut

This cake is not greasy because it doesn't use butter.The perfect combination of bananas and chickpeas enhances the unique taste of this cake.It's also very simple to make, so if you have an endless supply of bananas at home, try it, I guarantee you won't be disappointed....


Cranberry pound cake

In cold weather, eating enough calories can protect you from the cold.The cranberry pound cake originated from the Elvis Presley-favorite pound cake, which was not unanimously praised on the Internet. The most unusual thing about this pound cake is that it does not add bubble powder, but only uses powdered sieve and butter to inflate the cake.The inflation is amazing, much higher than the edge of the mold, the organization is very delicate, the taste is slightly lighter in addition to the lubrication, the aroma is ...


When chocolate encounters the complete combination of flour - chocolate cake

I've always loved the taste of chocolate, the slightly bitter, tasty sugar that feels like life, after the bitterness, there must be some sweetness.More recipes in the crowded cake bread baking hobby group: 79320963...
