Danish cheese

Material A is mixed and stirred until it turns white.
Add the eggs and stir.
Add milk to the mixture.
Add wh...


Gingerbread for Christmas

Gingerbread is naturally a great dessert to add to the atmosphere for Christmas.And the recent continuous fog in Shanghai has made everyone wear masks, safety first!...


The biscuit Christmas tree

Christmas used biscuits to build her daughter an edible Christmas tree and a house full of candy gingerbread, and when she woke up in the morning, Santa gave it to her, and her daughter was surprised and said, "Santa is so talented". ...


Tits and biscuits

The little wolf has always loved to make biscuits, but he had just come home from school, and there were only a few biscuits in the house, so he came up with this kind of biscuits from the experience of eating snacks, in fact, in the process of making, the little wolf didn't know if he could succeed, so the moment the oven came out, accompanied by the strong smell of milk, the little wolf's biscuits succeeded, the last one was really good, bite on a bite, the outside crispy, the inside sour, the inside sweet, the s...


Fingers crossed

Well, I admit that making this cookie is entirely in preparation for tiramisu, but we can't ignore its own deliciousness either. In fact, I've always felt that this cookie is not a real cookie, and from the looks of it, it feels a lot like an oil-free sponge cake...So, this time, I'm totally out of the loop.And the shape, no one said it had to be the shape of a long finger, right? So I made two sizes of cookies according to the cup size that would be used in the next tiramisu, hey, hey, it's convenient....


Flowers and roses

Flower rose cake.It's a famous dish in Yunnan.It's good to eat, but it's not practical.There has been extensive research on the practice of making rose cakes, but most of them are made with sugar roses.The use of roses is very rare.I've seen it in a book, it just needs to be cooked, it's a bit of a hassle; and it's too little, as if it can't be filled with flowers, it smells fresh.Later, I didn't pay attention to those practices, I invented my own, and I followed the practice of the moon cake.A lot of flowers are u...


Red sugar sesame biscuits

The red sugar in the house has been stored for a long time, you always can't think of eating it, you accidentally see it and want to destroy it as soon as possible, the best way is to do something, consume more quickly, so the red sugar biscuits come out like this. ...


Cheese and biscuits

Take some snacks with you when you go on a trip, and bring your favorite snacks, which can be eaten as snacks or wrapped around your stomach when you're hungry, so that you're in a happy, relaxed mood.It's low in sugar, it's rich in flavor, and it's perfect for people who like cheese and don't like it too sweet. ...


Egg white biscuits

It's Children's Day, and I'm going to my brother's house, and I'm going to make some desserts for the kids, and the first thing I'm going to do is make these egg yolk cookies, because we loved them when we were kids, and we loved them very much.I think the kids should like it too.Because I made three cookies the night before, and it was very late, and I went to my brother's house to play for a day, so I sent the recipe today.The children loved it so much that they ate it all in an instant, wasn't it great!...


Coconut silk cakes

The recipe is simple, it's easier to learn, it smells better than butter biscuits, because it's cooked with coconut oil. Oh, coconut oil smells good! But how to make coconut oil biscuits? ...


Coke and cookies

Since the last time I made Margaret's cookies, the baby seems to love the little cookies my mother makes, and every day she says, "Mom, you make me a little cookie with butter, and then a little cookie with chocolate, and then... Then, Mom, will you teach me how to make them?"I said, "Well, as long as you love to eat, I'm happy to do anything!" When you become a mother, you know how hard it is to be a mother, when a mother's mind is on the paper, no matter what you do, you have to put the paper first.I can remember...


Glucose cream biscuits

This little cookie, I've tasted it, it's sweet, but it's not fattening, and it's really good with raisins, sour, sweet, and sour.Tonight the World Cup is going to be the night of the champions, how can you not be moved by such a small thing?...
