Black sesame bread

May all children have a good childhood, grow up healthy and happy, and become the backbone of their country. ...


Hot dog bread

Put the material A in the bread machine, process the sweet dough, and knead it into a dough.
Add butter and continue...


Whole wheat egg crown package

Mix all the dry ingredients evenly; add an egg yolk (the egg yolk is extra when cooking, use it as much as you can), add...


Whole wheat bread

From the teacher of love and freedom, the soft bread is very good, the bread is between the soft bread and the soft bread, the outside is chewy, the inside is soft, the filling is fresh, don't miss the soft bread that I like, the original filling is made from a mixture of masulila and cheddar cheese in a ratio of one to one, I don't have masulila cheese, and the masulila itself tastes light, so I put bacon, which is another flavor...


French Country Bread

The third set: The longest wait for French rural bread.It has undergone five fermentations.From the first fermentation of 1-3 hours; to the second fermentation of 15-20 hours; entering the main dough, fermenting for 90 minutes, then fermenting for 45 minutes after exhausting, before entering the final fermentation of 70-90 minutes.The most enduring rural bread...The use of vine baskets for final fermentation seems to be the characteristic and hallmark of rural bread.The vine basket gives the bread a step-like circu...


New Year's super popular - small cookies with gingerbread

On New Year's Eve in the United States, people make a lot of gingerbread gingerbread cookies, and the traditional way of decorating gingerbread cookies with friends is to add honey, and this time I'm going to introduce you to the process of honey so that you can make the most authentic gingerbread cookies....
