Yellow salad bread

A reference to Teacher Meng...


Potato-shaped bread

Mix 15 g of softened butter with 15 g of refined sugar.
35 grams of low starch powder added to the sieve.
Grind ...


Honey forks for small meals

This small meal package is made according to the baking method, with a thick, fresh and sweet roasted meat with soft and soft bread, and it tastes really good!...


Milk and honey

Sometimes when you make sweet bread, you don't count the recipe and the amount, and there's some dough left over.Sometimes the dough is ready, but sometimes something comes out.This time I'm going to use this dough to make a little burrito.This is a cream-scented little burrito, because it uses a lot of egg yolk and butter, and the milk smells good, and it's a crispy heart with sesame flavor on the outside, and a soft, sticky heart on the inside.It's very small, and it's very good as a snack.The quantity given here...


A small meal package

For beginners, there will always be a lot of failures, at this time many friends come to me and ask me, is there a good way to make a simple meal, so let's compare how to make a simple meal for beginners, yes, don't call me a teacher, call me a simple meal, don't make a simple meal, don't make a simple meal, don't make a simple meal, don't make a small meal, don't make a small meal, don't make a small meal, don't make a small meal, don't make a small meal....


Tomato bread rolls

Water cooked tomatoes (chopped)Suddenly, these words came to mind.You can understand it as boiling tomatoes in water, or you can understand it as boiling tomatoes in water.In fact, at first I didn't think much about it, I just cut the tomatoes into big pieces and boiled them.And when you look at the pictures in the book, the deep-colored juice is thick, and it looks like a little bit of tomato sauce with a little bit of fine particles.Suddenly having doubts about his own operation, he came back and boiled the water...


Ice cream bags

Iced pineapple bag, is a famous baked food in Taiwan.It is also known as ice-hot pineapple, ice-hot pineapple oil, star-powered ice-hot pineapple, etc. There are many types, table-style, Hong Kong-style, broad-style, etc., roughly the same.Currently, this food can only be bought in Taiwan.The pineapple peel is made with sugar, which is more crunchy.The egg yolk is brushed, the color is also more beautiful, various fillings are added, such as chocolate filling, red bean filling, etc. There are no patterns on the pin...


Sweet potato bread

Today's bread is a real onion-scented bread, why do you say that, because it is made with two kinds of onions, onions and small onions, plus the popular dish potatoes, soft and onion-scented bread is refined like this. ...


Soups and snacks

Sweet bread is very, very popular in our house.In order for the family to eat good bread, I tried to report the bread course of the teacher of freedom, to get the true story of the goddess of freedom, I was so lucky!The son took the bread to school and showed it to his classmates: How much did you say this bread cost? The students couldn't guess, the son said politely: Tell me, this is what my mother made herself! The little friends were shocked!Your grandmother gave you a lot of points, didn't she? My son looked a...


Flower red bean bread

After a long time of tinkering with the bread, the simplest method was finally used to make a bread that aged slowly and tasted super soft...Look at the flower bread made in a simple way.... ...


I'm going to do it.

Teacher Meng's baguette.One of Mr. Meng's 100 loaves of bread is also a begu, with cheddar cheese added to the dough.And this baguette that appeared in Teacher Meng's afternoon tea, the dough is very ordinary, but it's also very special, it's quite fast.The basic fermentation takes only 30 minutes, half the length of the cheddar cheese, and the final fermentation takes only 10 minutes, plus baking and mashing, and in less than an hour and a half, you can eat a very chewy berry.Mix the dough in a baking machine and ...


Pudding bread

Soup preparation: 150 grams of water, 30 grams of high-quality flour, cooked on a small fire and stirred.
The temper...
