Potato dishes

I named this toast "Brother and Sister".Why do you say that? It's very powerful on the outside, but it's very soft on the inside.Is there any wood? And this one is baked in a bread maker, it's so cool to admire this recipe! This is made in a bread maker, right! You're right, it's made directly in a bread maker!And then I looked at it, and I saw why the rice turkey was so soft, because it's made of the same stuff that bread is made of, and it's made of starch.Wouldn't it be more perfect if I used more potatoes with ...


Bread bible-48h low-temperature fermentation based on brie

Make the sponge head a day in advance: 50 g of natural yeast + 75 g of high-fiber flour + 85 g of water mixed into a dou...


Blueberry whipped cream

And I'm going to make everything simple, so I'm going to basically simplify the recipe so that it's easy to make and suitable for beginners....


Bread bible-48h low-temperature fermentation 30% naked macronutrient

Twice as big at room temperature
Put it in the fridge for an hour, and the dough will obviously grow a lot.


Potato mashed bread

Raw materials
Put all the ingredients except egg yolk and corn oil in the baking machine, start the ordinary bread p...


Fruit cream and biscuits

Light and fluffy like a big bubble, the crispy skin of the caramel exudes the smell of eggs, the outer flesh is soft, the heart of the fruit cream is crisp, come and have a bite of the easy, unburdened, party-time recommended dessert!...


Scented bread

The dough material is placed in the order of first the liquid material, then the powdered material, except for the butte...


Whole wheat black sesame pack

This recipe contains a lot of water, it is strongly not recommended for beginners to do! It is written too simple, it is not recommended for beginners to do, at least you should have basic baking common sense and then refer to it so that the finished product does not have problems, affecting your mood attach love and freedom ingredients: bread flour 175 grams, whole wheat flour 75 grams, yeast 2.5 grams, fine sugar 25 grams, salt 4.5 grams, water 165 grams, butter 15 grams, grapes 50 grams, walnuts 50 grams surface...


Cartoon bread

The cartoon bread is very popular among children, this time the dough is made with the addition of light cream in the refrigeration method, although there is no filling, but because the addition of light cream and milk, the dough smells of milk....


Light cream bread

It's a small one, easy to carry, especially suitable for my children on their way to school in a hurry. ...


Exotic fruit Danish bread like a bird's nest

To make bread, especially to make ghee bread, the dough has to come out of the membrane, I'm sad! To be lazy, I decided to buy a cooking machine, I looked at a treasure and looked at it, I looked at the domestic one and looked at the foreign one, I struggled for half a month, I finally bought the KA7QT I had been dreaming of.I find that I spend a lot of time in the kitchen every time I do something, maybe because of the relationship between making bread and taking pictures, although it takes a little longer, but wa...


Corn and beans sandwiches

The husk, or wheat husk, is the seed husk left after milling the flour for wheat.It is rich in protein, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.Among them, B vitamins are essential nutrients in the nutritional metabolism of food.It also contains nutrients essential to the human body - dietary fiber, which can help increase the fiber content of food, improve constipation, prevent colon cancer, rectal cancer and breast cancer, lower serum cholesterol, and slow the formation of atherosclerosis.On weekdays, distill the h...
