Cake of the wind

Ingredients: eggs, low-fat flour, milk, olive oil and sugar
1, the protein is put into the cooking machine, after th...


Tea cake rolls

In half an hour, you can make a delicious cake roll....


A banana-flavored cake with a twist

We're going to eat a cake that doesn't make you fat! By the way, open my chimney! Last summer, I was talking too much! Bananas help the brain make a chemical called serotonin, which stimulates the nervous system, gives people joy and even pain-relieving effects.Therefore, bananas are also known as the food of happiness.American medical experts have found that eating bananas regularly can prevent high blood pressure, because bananas provide more potassium ions that reduce blood pressure, have the effect of resisting...


Pure version of the Black Forest cake

I wanted to make a black forest cake, but I had just bought almond slices, so I decided to make a white chocolate version of the black forest cake.To make a flower cake, first you have to bake a cake base embryo, I use a 8 inch blister, I choose a 5 egg non-foam powdered version, if you want fewer eggs, you can use a 3 egg foam powdered recipe, I don't like foam powdered, so I still use the traditional 5 egg powdered recipe. ...


Detailed practice of sweet egg yolk + peel

First make the eggshell, then mix the high and low starch flour, salt, sugar, and put it in a bowl.
Cut 40 grams of ...


Castor butter and egg yolk

This time it's a small dessert made directly from Tibetan milk.When the taste came out, I was amazed.If I had used milk, I would have added cream, but the taste of the milk was too sweet, so I decided to give it up.If you make something with good ingredients, it tastes the best, and you should try it with about 18 servings."...


8 inch model of a raisin cake

Separating the egg yolk from the egg yolk
Use an egg beater to press the egg whites into a liquid with large bubbles...


Milk cake rolls

I've been studying it before, but it's not the same every time, once it's successful and once it's not, I've made a cake roll, I didn't expect it to be the same, the taste is delicate and soft, even after several days, the whole family feels good. ...


The rainbow cake

I don't call it arbitrary... a friend who isn't afraid of trouble can call it oh... a skin of 20 grams of oil... 12 gram...


Orange juice and yogurt

Separate the egg yolk and the egg yolk and put them separately in two clean, oil-free, water-free egg-making pans, add 1...


Strawberry shortcake

My strawberry season came a little late this year, because this year's weather was suddenly hot, and I always felt that it was not the season for strawberries to ripen, but after turning around the market, I found that every house had a lot of strawberries.Light cream and strawberries are the amount of a cake. ...


Portuguese eggs

Kentucky's Portuguese eggs are here, so act now. ...
