Bread machine version of milk toast

This cream-filled toast smells of fresh cream and milk, and you can't resist it....


Cabbage bread

This coconut milk cake is different from the usual coconut milk bread recipe, she's not baked, she's using coconut milk and dough....


High-fiber cornstarch and peanut butter cookies

The first thing that comes to mind is the digestive biscuits, which are rich in fiber and can be used as a meal replacement.But I've seen people upload this kind of work, so I've changed my mind and made a high-fiber peanut butter cookie. ...


I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Egg butter with 15 grams of fine sugar, corn oil, milk, stir until the sugar melts.
Low-fat flour and baking powder ...


Chocolate mousse cake

10 grams of powdered sugar, added to the egg yolk, manually sent to the egg yolk to be whitened;
Mix the cocoa powde...


Colorful vegetable mousse cake

In order to make the healthiest and most delicious food for my family, I immediately fell in love with baking, and in order to balance the taste and nutrition of the whole family, I usually spend a lot of time thinking about the ingredients of the food, and I like to use natural fruits and vegetables to make an innovative green healthy dish: this colorful vegetable mousse cake is made especially for my two babies, with fresh carrots, carrots, potatoes, potatoes, these three vegetables, the first two are pressed int...


Rainbow heavy cheese

The reference is the recipe for your classic heavy cheese, after several attempts to make small changes, I feel that the taste is more delicate and thick, mainly replacing the milk with light cream, the original recipe in the oven before the dough is very rare, the color is not good to make a rainbow, replace the cream after sending the color is very OK....


Cheese cupcakes with butter



Cream mushroom chicken soup

Chicken cut, put in a pot, add water to boil, boil, boil, boil, boil, boil
After heating the butter to melt, mix the...
