Pumpkin and cheese bread

During the pumpkin season, pumpkin-flavored bread is also naturally essential, and today it was implemented, using pumpkin paste to make this bread, using milk instead of water.Since this baking class is about cheese, this bread should also be in line with the theme, each bread is wrapped in a piece of cheese, which is a full-bodied bread.To make the kids like it, I did my hair with masurilla, I painted my face with chocolate, I made it look like a pumpkin, it looks cute too!...


Flower bread

The dough is mixed into the packing machine in the order of the first liquid, then the powder, and then the yeast.


Sweet red bean rolls

I like to eat red beans, so I always have honey bean filling at home, whether it's bread or cake, you can add some as you please, the sweet taste of the entrance is very pleasing to the eye. Ingredients: dough: high starch flour 375g, yeast 4g, fine sugar 56g, salt 4g, egg juice 38g, butter 38g, soft cream 38g, honey bean filling in 180g:...


Bags of cream

This bread does not use butter, but a large proportion of soft cream, the liquid is soft cream, milk and eggs, without a drop of water.The resulting bread milk is fragrant, very soft, and super delicious. ...


Grapefruit and milkweed

It's very beautiful, it's very elegant, it's very elegant, and it's very delicious. ...


Black wheat bread

It's simple, there's really no decoration, except black wheat, added or coarse grain - husk and wheat germ, the wheat germ after baking emits its distinctive aroma, the country bread has no sweet bread soft, the taste has no sweet bread delicate, there is no sweet bread rich filling, it has a unique wheat aroma;...


Cheese bread

I've always rarely made bread, because I really don't want to do hand-fried cheese, seeing that this time the theme is butter, cream, cheese, whatever, it's so good for my appetite, so I'd like to be a cheese, the process of mashing is long, while watching TV while mashing, the time also passes relatively quickly, plus I like to eat it myself, my heart is also happy. ...


Heart-shaped bag of grapes

Sometimes I really feel like I can't afford to buy a mold, sometimes I have to look for a mold for a long time, and often I buy a new mold for a long time and forget to use it, this mold was bought just to make a light cheese cake, today I want to try it on a small bread, that heart shape is still very beautiful!My soup is made in a simple way, but it has an extraordinary effect, even if it is left for two or three days, the bread is very soft and delicious.In the morning, the soft bread that has just come out of t...


The Vanilla Bubble

After a few exercises, I finally succeeded in making this little bubble, happy, happy! I found that it is not so difficult to make bubble as long as I mastered a few key points. Oh! First, the dough production, the production process must not be too dry and not too thin...I remember the first time I ate bubbles when I was in Shanghai, every day I would go to work and pass by the subway station and see that little bubble shop with a lot of people around the door, then I didn't know what bubbles were, I wasn't reassu...


Brioche bread

There are a lot of rumors about it, people make their own bread or look at bread books.This bread is interesting, it's divided according to the amount of butter in the recipe, the rich version, the middle class version, the poor version.The amount of butter in the bread is so great that people don't eat this bread as bread, but as a snack, which is why the classic brioche is made with a mold, you can also call it: brioche.A reminder: the higher the butter content, the more difficult it is to operate the dough.If yo...


Direct French Hokkaido toast

Hokkaido toast is very suitable for the elderly and children to eat, because it ages slowly, so it's very soft even overnight. Hokkaido's method has a Chinese recipe and a direct recipe, the direct recipe is easy and quick, it's worth a try!...


Fast bread

How can you eat a piece of tofu, a bunch of tofu?It takes more time to solve the tofu than the tofu.Suddenly, a ghostly light illuminated the once-fast beer bread.It was immediately decided to transfer its practice to soybeans.Would a real muffin-style quick bread make the dough a little softer? Add a little oil to make it a little more moisturizing.However, the effect of this oil may be insignificant.Add some sugar to give it a slightly sweet taste.Although this sweetness can be ignored by most people...The light ...
