Banana red sugar cake

Preparation materials: low-strength powder and baking soda mixed with sieve.
Mix the red sugar and the eggs and add ...


Pumpkin cheese soft cake

Wash the pumpkin, cut it into pieces, and steam for 10 minutes.
Take two pieces of pumpkin paste and crush them sepa...


The hot Tokyo banana is a banana cake.

4 egg yolks, 30 grams of sugar added until slightly white
The milk and cream are cooked in a pan and slowly poured i...


Chocolate marshmallow cake

Today's chocolate iceberg cake is made in two parts.
Let's start with the first part, the lava.
Prepare chocolat...


Coconut milk and honey cake

After using a pot or plate with 40 degrees of hot water (better than bathing hot water), put 2 eggs, honey, and milk in ...


Birthday cake

Separate the egg yolk and protein and fill them separately in clean, oil-free, water-free containers.
The egg yolk i...


Tea and red bean cake rolls

After the enthusiasm of the previous days for biscuits, I became interested in all kinds of cake rolls, raw, meatballs, tea rolls, that's all kinds of rolls.I made a honey red bean pie the other day, and I put a layer of blueberry jam on it, and it's very sweet.As for how to roll the cake, I cut it with a knife on the side where I started rolling it, but I didn't cut it, and then I just rolled it.In fact, I've never learned how to use a toothpick, and I don't think I ever will.So the coordination is not bad in gene...


Pumpkin cake rolls

All ingredients: low starch flour, pumpkin paste, eggs, corn oil, white sugar, a few drops of white vinegar.


Chocolate raspberry mousse

This is the birthday cake I made for my daughter last week, and it's the sixth birthday cake I've made for my family.I've been in contact with baking for almost two years, it's baking that has made me fall in love with food and I've also gotten to know this big family of cuisine, thank you for all the support and affirmation you've given me in these two years, you've always encouraged me, you've made me more and more determined and more and more fond of food.I remember the excitement of the first time I made a cook...


Blueberry cheese mousse cake

My favorite dessert is cheesecake, and although it's high in calories, it doesn't stop me from eating it twice a week.Whether it's eaten directly in the fridge or baked in the oven, it's my favorite!But the baked cheesecake tastes better, and if you're as lazy as I am, then hurry up and make a cheesecake! The wedding anniversary is in August, and it's made specifically for the anniversary, and the husband and wife love it.Whether you have a baking base or not, as long as you have the ingredients I've mentioned belo...


Liang family women - too soft

Place the chocolate in a plate and prepare it for melting.
Add the butter to the chocolate and melt it.
3 eggs w...


Banana Madeline

My mother took the train home tomorrow, and considering there was nothing to eat on the way, she baked a pot for my mother to eat on the way....
