Chocolate snowflakes

Preparation of materials
Mix egg whites and fine sugar
Slightly stirred, no need to stir or dissolve sugar


The Magic Hive Cake

I've heard of honeycomb cake before, I've heard that this cake is very magical, I've always wanted to try it, but it's very strict on the recipe, and we don't have a kitchen scale, we can only let this grass grow in our hearts, until the kitchen scale that is exchanged for points in the gourmet house, finally removed this crazy grass.From the outside, it doesn't seem like there's anything special about a baked cake.However, along the slope in the middle of the cake, you can find different content. Oh! It feels like...


Strawberry whipped cream rolls

Use an egg separator to separate the protein from the egg yolk, taking care not to let the protein touch the egg yolk wh...


The flower cake rolls.

That laughter reminds me of my flowers that I love in every corner of my life, especially the one in English that she sings very well, I listen to Fan Fan's songs from time to time, and when I listen to them more, I feel very tired, only this song can be listened to over and over again, and now I still love, always thinking about how good it would be to have a version of Yang Yi one day....


Strawberry cakes and pastries

Strawberry shortcake is a fresh cream cake with a strawberry flavor.The most popular of the many flavors is the fresh strawberry strawberry cake, the freshest strawberry in the spring, the most juicy, the sweetest, the most acidic, the most delicious, the most unmissable delicious cake in the spring. ...


Honey cake

Get all the materials ready!
Put two eggs with white sugar and honey in a container with no oil and no water!


Tea cake rolls

In the summer of 2012, it was unusually hot, and even in the most human-friendly coastal city in the world, it was sweaty.It's one of the coolest cities in China in the summer.I haven't done anything for six months since the last red flower cake roll, and I always want to wait for the weather to cool down and start again.After the opening of the Olympics, watching the athletes sweat like rain on the field, fighting for gold and silver, I couldn't help but make a cake roll with the pattern of this sports project.I p...


Bless the cake.

The Olympic Games are hot and competitive.My son and I made this cake: cut the cake roll into six pieces, put it in an upright plate, and decorate it with fresh cream and fruit.My son cut the flag out of red paper and the five stars out of yellow paper.I put this flag high above the cake.My son said, "Name this cake after China!" ...


Honey mini-cake

Eggs, sugar, honey are poured into a waterless, oilless bowl and sent out by an electric egg breaker.
It's not going...


It's called the black sesame bean curd.

It's a healthy, low-sugar, low-fat popularity that will make you fall in love with it, and I love it.I happen to have squeezed a lot of black sesame pulp, it's very thick, and I always think it's a waste to throw it away, so I use it to make croissants, and for me, who often makes bread, I always like DIY bread. ...


Peanut butter cake

In addition to the nutritional value of soybeans, soybeans are also high in various vitamins and minerals.Not only do adults eat a lot of benefits, but its unique nutrition is more able to meet the growth and development requirements of children, rich in egg phosphate is one of the nutrients necessary for the development of the child's brain, it is a good intellectual food.It is also rich in dietary fiber and can prevent and relieve constipation in children.Maize requires iron for growth and also stores iron, not o...


Italian cream chocolate cake

Why is it all chocolate cake? Because only chocolate cake makes someone happy.This cake is delicious because of the Italian butter! It's suitable for fat people!...
