Cabbage bread

All materials except butter added to bread maker barrels
Start the scrubbing process.
After 20 minutes of kneadi...


Bread and butter

That rotating windmill, is a fragment of how many children's childhood memories, the sound of the windmill turning in their ears, the suddenly neglected windmill of all colors, the children's naive faces hung full of satisfaction and joy.Today I made windmill bread, and I'm reminiscing about my happy childhood toys. ...


Beans and bread

I'd like to try some of the bread that you've made. ...


Whole wheat sugar bags

A bite of the whole-wheat brown sugar, a bite of the thick brown sugar, reminds me of the feeling of eating sugar when I was a kid. ...


Banana and cherry sauce packages

I made my own cherry jam, and I saw that the bananas in the house were ripe, and I added the bananas to the main ingredient, and I made this popcorn meal package, and after it was baked, the cherry jam inside flowed out like a sandbag, and it tasted very soft, super sticky. ...



Today I'm going to use them to turn ACA's AB-SN6513 bread maker into a delicious and nutritious bread!...


Low-calorie whole wheat bread with walnuts, raisins, and oats

Recently, I watched BBC Paul teach me how to make bread, how to plant grass, how to ferment super-loved dough....


Tofu bread

A hand-made tofu sandwich made with a baking machine, with a marble pattern, is very tempting. ...


Cheese and honeybees

I bought wheat germ to make toast, and it's true that the family doesn't like toast very much, but they all remembered the rose sauce they made, and added some to the dough!...


Meat packages

Packed with delicious meatballs, meatballs are a must-have....


Dried grapes

Of all the baked goods, toast is the simplest and most unpretentious food, so a person's level of baking can be distinguished from the good and bad of the raw toast, just like a cup of green coffee, without the help of milk and sugar, the good and bad of the raw flavor is exposed.Today, we're going to make grapefruit toast, which is very simple, adding sweet and delicious grapefruit to the base of the raw flavor, suitable for all busy working people, easy to make in a short time, cheap and delicious. ...


Bread with coconut flour

In the process of baking, the bread absorbs the moisture of the coconut milk, especially moisturizing and soft; the bread itself is not sweet, but the coconut milk forms a layer of milk at the bottom of the bread, a bite down, the sweetness is just right; the bread can also be eaten just right, because there is also a layer of milk in the toaster, tear a piece of bread, dip the milk once, it is really addictive!...
