Light cheesecake

Friends who like to eat cheesecake can't miss this cake, it tastes like the grandmother's sister's brother sold outside, haha....


Cake rolls with orange sauce

Divide the white sugar three times and add enough protein until the egg beater is lifted with a small hook.
Avocado ...


A crispy chocolate puff

Pineapple peel method low starch flour and cocoa powder mixed with sieve butter softened and then added white sugar stir...


Pumpkin mousse cake

The pumpkin is cut evenly, laid flat in the bowl, covered with a preservative film, then punctured with a toothpick, and...


Red pomegranate cheese and velvet cake

I used to swear in my heart that every year on my birthday I would give him a birthday cake made by my own hands. This is the third year, the child grows up day by day, many things can be understood, he has his own preferences, sweets are probably a dish that all children cannot refuse, from my first day of making cake embryos, this little guy is constantly eating next to me, in order not to let him mess up, I just have to urge him to hurry and take the child out to play....


Christmas tree root cake

Last year when I made a custom cake, this was the best one sold, last year I decorated the tree root cake like a bride-to-be, filled with fruit and sugar mushrooms, this year I just do what I want, returning to the comfort and simplicity, like a dry tree root on a quiet snowy night, bringing people a lot of light and warmth, and a fresh taste and simplicity. ...


Fruit and vegetable birthday cake

Add the egg yolk to the pan, cut the vanilla pods, scrape the vanilla seeds in, and gently stir evenly.
Add fine sug...


Lemon tea with almond slices cupcake

Because yesterday I experimented with Korean cucumbers without a carrier, and today I'm going to make a few cupcakes to serve as a carrier, and I'm not going to put butter in them because the butter in the cream is too thick, and I'm going to cool the cups with cucumbers....


The apple.

Prepare the materials needed to make the leather.
Pour the flour, butter, and salt into a large bowl and mix it (sin...


6 inches of cake

All ingredients are prepared according to the quantity, the egg yolk and protein are separated, and the bowl of protein ...


It's the end of the world. It's the end of the world.

It is characterized by the fact that the peel can really be peeled off, many layers of thin peel wings are wrapped in a full filling, even after cooling the taste is quite good, and the shelf life is long, as long as the seal is sealed, there is no problem in the winter 1-2 weeks.One of the irreplaceable ingredients for making this butter is pork fat, which is a butter effect that cannot be made with other colored oils or butter. ...


A crisp and delicious cocoa puff

As a baker, in order to show my true love, I have to know where the pastry comes from.Puff, which originated in Italy, is actually a creamy chocolate and even ice cream wrapped in a creamy pastry with holes in it. It is said to have been invented by the French queen Catherine de Medici, who came from Italy.It is said that because Hamilton cream and Hamilton cake entered the hall of the wedding, there was a Hamilton cream cake.And the bread that loves the cream of the crop can only bury the love in its heart and tur...
