Cream and chestnut bread

Chopped chestnuts
Water, egg juice, sugar, salt first mixed in a bread barrel
Then add the high flour, and final...


Apple and cinnamon bread

Happy birthday! That day, it's your birthday! All these years, no matter how far away I am from you, I'll always send you a message: "Happy birthday!" This year, I've said it 20 times! Your, sixty-year-old birthday! That day, I said: "I used to be a child, you're a middle-aged woman!"...


Rice bread

(A) cooked white rice 200 g water 100 g (B) small sugar 120 g salt 18 g eggs 100 g milk 200 g skim milk 50 g water 200 g...


Fuka bread from the field

Auxiliary cooking and cooling
After mixing the main ingredients, stir until the dough expands smoothly and elastical...


Cooked bread

(A) high starch flour 300g low sugar yeast 1g honey 50g milk 300g (B) small sugar 120g salt 18g eggs 350g animal fresh c...


Bread with meat

In the preparation of bread, meatloaf bread is considered to be a relatively simple variety, as it has no complex shapes and no fancy decorations.But even though it's simple, you have to work hard to make it delicious.Good salad dressing and meatballs are essential, and bread as the main ingredient is certainly not to be overlooked.In order to make the bread taste better, and to better match the meat on the surface, I used a Chinese recipe this time.The bread made in this way has a better flavor and taste due to th...


Soya bread

Every time I make soy sauce, the rest of the soy sauce is like chicken ribs, tasteless, it's a pity! It's too greasy to make soy sauce cake, it doesn't taste good, for those who want to taste it and promote low fat, I can only give it to the trash can... one day, when I was ready to make bread, there was no pure milk, I wanted to replace it with soy sauce, I suddenly thought, add soy sauce to try?...


Sweet potatoes

Because I like Hokkaido, and I don't have any soft cream at home, so I'm making my own recipe, so don't learn from me.I don't bake very often, but I also like to change things.There's milk at home, and it's delicious.So I replaced it with this.It is thickly fermented, with the addition of water, and is eaten with golden powder.There are half a dozen purple potatoes in the house, reminiscent of the purple potato bread of the goddess of freedom, purple potatoes are amazing, but her side dishes are big.I don't have th...


Purple leaf bread

This time it's purple potato leaf bag, also known as purple potato braid bread.It's only after I've done it that I realize that it's really beautiful made with purple potatoes.The purple and red of the purple and yellow of the purple and red of the purple and red of the purple and red of the purple and red of the purple. ...


Bread with meat

I said earlier that I baked twice in one day, but the main character is the meatloaf bread, because it takes a long time to make bread, so the coconut tower is actually making drops while waiting for the bread to ferment, I know how to organize the time....


Whole grain cheese bread

The dry material and natural yeast are used as backup, and water and red sugar are melted.
Pour into the blender, st...


Yoghurt bread

All the ingredients of the main ingredient are mixed into a dough, mixed evenly, covered and left to ferment to twice th...
