Cranberry cookies

The story behind this dish e ⁇ (selected)...


Spicy noodles

It's a savory, spicy, crispy, casual snack that you can't stop eating!...


Royal cookies with chocolate flavor

It's delicious, it's sweet, it's not greasy, it's been a while since I've made a cookie, it's a cookie with light cream, it tastes super good!(The ingredients in the table below are a little more, I baked three plates, I don't need that many, I can cut it in half.)...


The original cookie

The cookie, with its special spicy aroma, is not only varied in shape, but also has many flavors, coffee, chocolate, green tea...As a beginner, it's natural to learn the simplest and most classic original cookies first, and after mastering the basics and techniques of making them, you can start the process of changing them.In fact, the simplest and most classic raw butter cookie has always been my favorite flavor. ...


The beef pizza.

My son says he wants to eat pizza, and he wants a lot of pizza, and he thinks there's a steak in the fridge, so he makes a lot of pizza, and he's addicted to it. ...


The double pizza.

The dough for this pizza was actually the dough that had been mixed together before, and at that time the dough was more mixed, and I couldn't finish it with the little guy at once, so I put half of the dough in the fridge and froze it.When the little guy says he wants to eat pizza, he takes the dough out of the freezer and makes it. Ingredients: cake base: 140 grams of flour, 1/4 teaspoon of yeast, 88 grams of water, 5 grams of fine sugar, 5 grams of butter....


Pizza with black pepper and bacon

The easiest way to eat pizza is to have the dough ready, or you can use toast instead; but if neither is available, you'll need to knead the dough yourself to make the dough.Pizza dough is easy to make, you don't need high-quality flour and you don't have to knead it to the membrane, as long as you use ordinary flour at home to knead it smoothly in proportion, it doesn't take much time....


Fresh shrimp pizza with bacon

The pizza sauce is very simple, based on the simple pizza sauce I used to make.The dough is only enough to make an 8-inch saucepan, and if you want to make more, you can double the original ingredients. ...


The pineapple pizza

Recently, the temperature has skyrocketed, and our moods have skyrocketed.Make your own pizza at home, give it to your family or friends, and let the tempting food take the edge off your depressed mood. ...


The pizza.

The ingredients are stirred until the yeast is completely dissolved in the solution, fermented at room temperature for 1...


Seafood pizza

Since I bought the oven last month, I've been especially eager to make a pizza, so forgive me for my obscure love of pizza.But to be honest, today is the first time I've tried to make this thin, crisp, precious seafood pizza, which, although it doesn't sell as well as it looks on the outside, is made with the care of my own hands, whether it's fermented from the dough, or the preparation of the ingredients and the final baking.The final taste is naturally quite delicious. (To be honest, I'm really tired, I don't ha...


Cranberry mashed tea cookies

The butter is placed at room temperature to soften and cut into small grains.
Low-powder tea powder is sifted into b...
