Bacon bread

This ingredient can make eight, nine-liter grill, put five in it, just ferment it, it won't stick together after it's cooked....


Baby bear bread

This bread base square comes from love and freedom.I use a powder with a protein content of 12.2% that I bought at the supermarket, and I can also use a machine to grind the dough out of my hand. ...


Old fashioned bread

Because the old-fashioned bread tastes good, it's also one of my favorite ways to make bread. ...


Light cream bread

It's a small one, easy to carry, especially suitable for my children on their way to school in a hurry. ...


The bread machine - the big bread - zero failures

Because the bread machine is fully automated, I didn't want to send the recipe, but a lot of people asked, so I sent it out today, the recipe is used on the bread machine's recipe above, just some of my own thoughts, I hope you use it. ...


Take it easy on the bear.

First make the filling, spread the eggs, mix all the powder evenly, and refrigerate for backup.
After the oil method...


Christmas bread

This Christmas bread was also made for his son on Christmas Day, originally he had made a cream Christmas cake for his son, later his son asked to take the Christmas cake to school to share with his children, so on Christmas Day his son made this bread again. ...


Walnut Round Whole Wheat Pack

Partial supplies
The walnuts are peeled, the walnuts are cut into small pieces, the pot is dried, the fire is cooked...


Onion and garlic bread

All dough materials, except butter, are placed in the baking machine, the flour is dug, the yeast is buried, the baking ...


Forks and bags

All dough materials, except butter, are placed in the baking machine, the flour is dug, the yeast is buried, the baking ...


The bag of almonds

It's become a habit of mine to post about baking, and it hasn't been a mess lately: a person who often reads my posts comes to my door, and you post those delicious pictures all the time...It's not yesterday that a friend called me and asked me to help her choose a good oven, and by the way, she taught me how to make bread, and then she asked me how long it took to make bread from start to finish...They don't understand me, and I don't understand them.I play baking purely as a personal hobby, I can't, I have to eat...


Honey and yogurt packaging

Thank you for letting me, a newcomer to baking, almost fail!...
