Milk and butter bread

The main ingredient is dough material, the dough is kneaded until smooth, covered with a preservative film, placed in a ...


Old bread of gold

Yeast: high starch flour 180 g starch fine sugar 15 g starch dry yeast 3.5 g starch water 100 g main dough: high starch ...


Smoked bread

Dough: high starch flour 100 g low starch flour 10 g starch unsalted butter 10 g starch refined sugar 15 g starch salt 1...


Bread with alkaline water

Main ingredients all mixed together
Divide and set for 10 minutes, no fermentation required
Orthography, half an...


The bread.

All ingredients except butter are mixed together until the dough expands and the surface is smooth.
Add butter to th...


Tofu bread

It is used to make soups.
50 g high powder, 50 g hot water.
Mixing, cooling and back-up.
The dough is kneade...


Red bean bread

320 ml of milk powder, 500 g of salt, 8 g of sugar, 100 g of yeast, 6 g of butter, 40 g of butter, inverted in the wrapp...


Banana cake with walnuts

The protein is separated from the yolk, and the vinegar is put into the protein to make a chopstick.
Put the butter ...


Red ground beef

Production of seeds
130 g of flour, 70 g of water, 0.5 teaspoon of yeast mixed into a smooth dough and fermented at ...


Summer leaves, grape leaves, walnuts, and blueberries

Dried grape yeast: high starch flour 50 g Dried grape juice 50 g mixed with high starch flour 100 g + Dried grape juice ...


Beef steak pack

The finished product is an 8-inch square grill, 22.5 cm * 18.5 cm * 5 cm.It's an easy recipe to find online, it doesn't look good on the outside, it tastes good....


Natural yeast coconut milk meal pack

Pani Popo means coconut-flavored meal package, originating from the Samoan Islands (Samoan Islands or Samoa Islands) in the South Pacific, and is also often seen in other nearby areas such as Hawaii.The dough itself is not complex, the unique thing is that the coconut paste is not mixed in the dough, but is poured into the mold before baking, so the package is soaked in coconut paste and baked.After baking, part of the coconut paste is absorbed by the dough, making the texture softer, and the rest becomes a thick s...
