Cranberry cookies

This cranberry cookie tastes really good, it's worth collecting.I make cookies mostly to prepare a small snack for my son, sometimes I make some more for me and my husband to make a snack after coming home from work, the little guy basically doesn't eat this one after eating one, so I'll continue the other one, baking for so long, my husband praised the taste of this cookie for the first time, eating one after another.This cookie is simple to make, has a slightly sour, slightly sweet, and chewy taste.It was already...


Tits and tits

There are many types of biscuits, there is a lot of space for concave shapes, plus you can add all kinds of ingredients, there are more variations in categories, today I recommend a long bar biscuit, with grapefruit in it, thick cream of butter and the taste of sunshine on the grapefruit, don't eat too much!...


French cheeseburgers

Sable cookies - French Sable biscuits, a traditional biscuit of French Normandy, the word sable is French for grain of sand, used to describe biscuits with a sandy texture, she is a varied pastry, can be mixed with nuts or fruit peels, its traditional shape is circular, can also be made into other shapes, or filled with jam, lemon juice, chocolate. ...


Chocolate chip cookies with nuts

In order to support my baking career, my father ran to the library and borrowed some baking books from German, Korean and French masters, and I picked a few and studied them, and I really enjoyed them.First of all, this German biscuit, the original recipe used a lot of chocolate, but I only used half of it, and I used the other half with walnuts, which I personally think is a healthier mix. ...


The pine cookie

First, the pine is laid flat on the grill, placed in a preheated 180 degree oven and baked for 5 minutes, the surface is...


Cranberry cookies

The butter is softened and the sugar powder is stirred evenly and then the egg juice is stirred evenly.
Add the drie...


Chocolate cookies with almond flour

The special feature of this biscuit is the addition of less glutinous rice flour, which is used in biscuits, although the flavor of the cream is very thick, but due to the addition of rice flour, there is less fat in the entrance, more of a dough-like layer layered taste of crispy flour (the square is changed from the dough of Miss Simi).Another more special one is the use of fermented butter.Below is a rough understanding of fermented butter, combined with some knowledge from the Internet and my own practice.The d...


Bifurcated finger cake

The first time I saw this dessert, I really liked it, the original finger cake can have so many shapes and variations in taste!...


Butterfly butterfly

It's winter, you can eat yourself a little fat, anyway, once you put on the coat, you can't see how long this meat is.Of course, it's not about me, it's about my sister.My sister weighs only two-thirds as much as I do, so she eats these snacks without worrying about the long meat.And I'm a little scared, I'm a little scared, I'm a little scared, I'm a little scared, I'm a little scared.But after the vanilla butterfly came out of the box, the charming look made me really obsessed with it.When I was trying to decide ...


Dried grapefruit

This biscuit is wrapped in a mixture of walnuts and raisins, which is very innovative, while also incorporating multiple flavors. ...


Sugar cream cookies

I've always wanted to try making sugar cream cookies, but it's always been too much trouble or time-consuming.The biscuits decorated with practical protein and sugar cream can be eaten directly, choose the food coloring of the official manufacturer, the use is also within the range, should be safe.Of course, don't eat it too often. ...


Sugar cream cookies

This sugar cream cookie is decorated only with white sugar cream and chocolate, without a drop of aromatic pigment, absolutely healthy, you can give it to your little friend on New Year's Eve!...
