Chestnut cookies

Buy the chestnut back, cut a long hole in the back with a knife, boil it in a pot for 25 minutes, boil it and dry it, an...


The cranberry cookies are delicious.

It only takes an hour to make a delicious cranberry biscuit, and about 42 grams of powdered sugar doesn't matter....


Seafood biscuits

The little guy especially likes to eat seaweed, and often when he goes to the supermarket, he doesn't forget to bring back a big bag..So this time I made this salty seaweed cookie, it tastes sweet, and sometimes it tastes good: 150 grams of low-fat flour, 75 grams of butter, 50 grams of egg yolk, 10 grams of fine sugar, 3 grams of salt, 3 grams of flour, 32 grams of seaweed meat....


Cranberry cookies

Preparation of materials
After softening the butter, pour it into the sugar powder and stir evenly (you can also hea...


Cranberry biscuits made by handicapped people

The first time I made it, the sweet smell of the house came out, and life felt sweet....


Tea and cookies

Japan's Yujin tea powder, brightly colored, fresh in taste, still pale green after baking, right!...


Red sugar oatmeal cookies

It's very simple, the materials are very simple.
I bought a new egg pan, I'm in a good mood, put corn oil in the pan...


The cranberry cookie

Before I made the cranberry cookie, I looked at a lot of recipes, and I ended up choosing this one with a lower butter content. ...


Caleb's cookies

In September, I sent a picture to the guys, I used to go to the cherry blossom country and bring back a few bags, almost all of them were eaten, however, now I know... to make cookies, cookies, cookies... (three times) Must share with everyone, it's the right way to open... besides mixing yogurt, mixing fruit and milk!...


Red sugar pecan pie

Walnuts are delicious, but they taste a little bitter, and a lot of people don't like them, and I'm one of them.Red sugar beauty, these two combined, really complement each other.Have a good one!...


The cranberry cookie

Prepare all the materials.
After softening the butter, add the sugar powder and stir evenly.
Add 15 g of egg whi...


Sitting in line, eating cookies - little bear cookies

I was attracted to that little bear.It seems simple, but it's hard to do. ...
