Chocolate paper cup cake

I've always loved the taste of cocoa, but I'm afraid of getting fat with butter, so today I'm going to try corn oil instead of butter....


Tea cakes and pastries

This square is made with a thin 10x30 mold, and if you want to make it thicker, double the raw material!...


High-quality yogurt toast in the fridge

The ingredients have also been slightly changed, the water has been changed to fresh milk, and 20 g has been added, making the toast softer. ...


Carrot pudding

Milk with 25 grams of sugar, heated insulated
Put it aside.
Added egg juice
Two screenings
75 grams of r...


The almond pie

I didn't really think about sending the recipe, I just had a fever in my head, I wanted to use the dough in the fridge that I didn't use the last time, and when I did, I remembered to take a picture, so there was no process map, hopefully you can understand....


Maple leaf hand-painted cake roll

This time in Bavaria, I added some rum to give me some unexpected surprises, the aroma of the pumpkin is not hidden, it's a little more sweet, a little less sweet, I like to bring a little surprise to me, so that I can have more combinations and combinations in future productions, and also give me the courage to keep trying. ...


Green forest version of the brownie cake

The real brownies are all black, I want to challenge, at home there is blue chocolate, with matcha powder, green, the result is unexpected, there is no taste, and a pure chocolate, although the cooking is the same, the taste is very different...


French-style cake circles

Peel the lemon and stir the eggs evenly;
Mix refined sugar and unsalted butter;
Using waterproof heating, heatin...


Mango and cheese cake

Prepare to digest the biscuit base first.
Digested biscuits are packed in preservative bags, crushed into powder wit...


Light cheese cake

The cheese is mixed with fresh milk, heated with insulating water, stirred until soft with a hand-held egg beater, and s...


The classic heavy cheese cake

Phase 1: First, make the base (Figure 1-6) ready to digest the biscuits, which are usually available in supermarkets.


Cake of the wind

Countless failures create the final success! That's the spirit of togetherness - perseverance!...
