Cinnamon raisin bread

Take out the wine-stained raisins (I've been soaking a bottle of raisins in rum and taking it with me) and put it on the...


Red sugar nuts

Place all the ingredients in the cooking machine until the surface is smooth and then ferment at room temperature or in ...


Peach cheese with soft cheese

400 g of flour, 200 ml of pure water, 8 g of salt, 16 g of refined sugar, 12 ml of olive oil.
Drop 8 g of yeast from...


Relax, little bear, come to the meeting.

Procedure 12 is repeated.
After a second rubbing, the thin glove film can be pulled off, and the smooth edges of the...


Three flavors of pineapple

All ingredients except butter are packed in containers.
Start the process and face 20 minutes.
Adding butter to ...


A small loaf of bread

The whole sausage is soaked in clear water for 10 minutes so that it absorbs some moisture.
After steaming for 10 mi...


Low-fat, high-protein bread

The beans and flour are very sticky after cooking, but continue to knead (although sticky by hand), knead until the expa...


Pumpkin wrapping

250 g of bread flour, 75 g of pumpkin paste, 25 g of fine sugar, 3 g of salt, 10 g of milk powder, 25 g of egg yolk, 25 ...


Whole grape bread - I hear yeast and flour are more common on rainy days

Mix all the unexpected ingredients of the raisins and decorative flour and knead the dough in the baking machine for 30 ...


Cheese and cranberry flowers

Raw materials: medium-sized dough: high-flour 224 g starch dry yeast 2.5 g starch milk 110 g starch cheese 75 g main dou...


Cranberry bread rolls

When I made it, I didn't think much about it, I just poured a lot of sugar and cranberries on it, and when I cooked it, I found out that the sugar would melt and spill out...However, although it's a bit of a hassle to pack it up afterwards, the baked bread is really good to eat. I love this dessert, what do you do? Ingredients: high starch flour 300g, fine sugar 48g, yeast 4g, egg juice 48g, milk 160g, salt 5g, butter 30g filling: fine sugar 30g, wine vinegar 75g, corn oil moderate, butter moderate...


Ripping bread with soy sauce

Put all the ingredients except the butter in the bowl and stir into the dough.
Place the dough on the board and knea...
