Chocolate cake with almonds

If you're going to indulge yourself at home, Tomatoes strongly recommends that you try this cake.But tomatoes are an important tip, and children who are afraid of trouble should be careful.With a big almond chocolate cake as a base, a layer of caramel cheese... it's normal to spend a whole day on it... but the taste of it proves it's worth it.It's really warm and satisfying to make a cake like this.If you show off in front of your friends and family, it's like, wow... it's beautiful!...


Banana cake with coconut

In the midst of a busy life, more and more people are using healthy foods or supplements to supplement their unbalanced diets.And bananas contain almost all the vitamins and minerals, so it's easy to get a wide variety of nutrients from bananas.Bananas contain a considerable amount of potassium and magnesium.Potassium prevents high blood pressure and muscle spasms, while magnesium has a fatigue-relieving effect.Since bananas are well absorbed by the digestive system, they can be safely consumed by children and the ...



There's no shortage of brownies when it comes to making desserts that are as simple as they are delicious.The traditional brownie is a very simple chocolate dessert that doesn't require any complicated operations.But today's delicious brownie cake, which combines brownies with chocolate cream cream, with chocolate cream and happy berries, is elegant in appearance and generous, while the rum syrup and cream cream bring the rich flavor of brownies to the ultimate, delicate taste, and every bite is full of intoxicatin...


Bakery version of the sponge cake

Today I tried to bake a cake with the East Japan Magician's Bread Machine, it was a sponge cake, I can't imagine what it would be like to make a cake with a bread machine, mixed cake dough poured in, waiting in anxiety, the cake baked out but gave a lot of surprises, and the oven baked nothing different, without overturning or collapsing, the taste is nothing different, there is such a bread machine, one more useful, no oven and how? ...


Yoghurt and yogurt

Since the day I bought the oven, I've been wanting to make my mother's birthday cake for her seventh birthday this year, and it's getting closer and closer, and for me, who hasn't been baking for a long time, I haven't dared to try it yet, so I've been planning to make him a mousse cake, and he said that as long as it's a cake that his mother makes, it's good, so to make him a birthday cake, I baked this yogurt wind. ...


Tiramisu cake

My husband's birthday, specially made tiramisu cake, because in Italian, it means "take me away", take away not only the taste, but also the love and happiness.Tiramisu is a classic Italian dessert that combines espresso (especially strong Italian coffee) with bitter eggs, sugar-sweetened dessert, alcoholic beverages, chocolate chip cookies, thick cheese, and fresh cream with cocoa powder, dry, fresh, and all the complex experiences that dessert can evoke, layered to the extreme.It is said that after eating a delic...


The cranberry sauce cake

It is also divided into two types, one of which can be eaten after baking, to be baked in an oven with waterproof steam, baked cakes are smooth and delicate like soft tofu, taste soft and delicate, fragrant and pleasant, baked cakes cannot be directly molded or cooled, can be cooled and molded can also be refrigerated for eating.Another is the use of a solvent to condense cream cheese or fresh cream, which is then combined with biscuits or some of the above traditional cakes, which do not need to be baked in the ov...


"Fruit flipping cake"

First, the butter in the auxiliary is melted and applied to the bottom of the mold.
Then sprinkle it with red sugar ...


Fruit cake with many layers

If tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and you want to make a cake and give him a surprise, but there's no low-fat flour? There's not many eggs? Is it a surprise?...


Cabbage cake

This is a super soft cake that just came out of the oven tonight, and it's made with pure coconut milk and eggs, and it's easy to make.The effect is that it's really soft.Come and share with the flowers!...


Blueberry and jam cake rolls

"All this time, the cake was baked in the grill and eaten, and it was rolled once, but it wasn't rolled well, so let's do it again."This time it worked.Although the roll is not very beautiful, next time I remember, the first step out of the roll is not to roll too wide.Add more blueberry jam and eat well.Sweet and sour jam, scented cake, delicious.Ingredients: low-flour 60 grams of boiled eggs 4 pieces of boiled corn starch 15 grams of boiled white sugar 75 grams of boiled pure cow's milk 60 grams of ingredients: w...


Orange and cream cake rolls

The skin is thin, the meat is juicy and sweet, but it's not addictive to eat raw.So I wanted to combine it with cake.It turned out to be great!...
