The slanted cake roll

It's not hard to make a simple colored cake roll today, just draw a few slashes on the grill!...


Lemon and cranberry madeleine

Madeleine cake is a popular French dessert, made famous by Proust's water-like memories.In his memories of the taste of shell cake, he wrote "Remembrance Like Water", a book that also pushed shell cake onto the stage of history.It was while eating the Madeleine cake his mother had prepared for him that Proust touched some of the vivid feelings he had forgotten, and he wrote this book in order not to forget those feelings.Nowadays, Madeleine's cake is more like a memorial to good memories, telling people to cherish ...


Sponge cake with zero difficulty

The materials are ready, let's start.
Heat the cooking pot with the eggs and sugar to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit, d...


Almond cupcake

Separation of egg yolk and egg yolk
Eggs are mixed with white vinegar, 50 g of sugar powder is added three times, an...


The Black Forest cake

For me, who am not a professional baker, this job is not something that can be done quickly at home, baking cakes, flowers, making chocolate chips is quite time-consuming, but when I look at the finished product, my heart is still happy, I can make a cake as beautiful as the West Point store. ...


Cocoa and cheese cake

Today's cocoa frozen cheese is a birthday cake for my dad, because he likes the taste of chocolate, so the main ingredient and ingredients are basically cocoa, simple and pure color, a very manly cake, if on Valentine's Day you want to make a delicious cake for your dad, you can try this.But because it's for a lot of people to eat, it's a ten-inch model, and you can't usually eat it yourself, so if you make an eight-inch portion, please reduce it by half, and a six-inch portion, please reduce it by half.It's a cake...


Oil-free cakes

Whole eggs with sugar, medium speed delivery.
Be patient with yourself.
You can also use warm water.
The ove...


Tea and cheese cake

Before starting the recipe, let's spread the knowledge of tea: there are studies that show that tea polyphenols can remove excessive harmful free radicals in the body, can regenerate high-efficiency antioxidants such as α-VE VC GSH SOD in the human body, thus protecting and repairing the antioxidant system, has a significant effect on strengthening the body's immunity against cancer against aging Regular consumption of green tea reduces blood sugar, lipids, and blood pressure, thereby preventing cardiovascular di...


Banana and yogurt and blueberry muffins

Add sugar to the eggs, melt the butter, and pour it into the egg yolk.
Add the baking soda to the milk and mix the m...


Chocolate Muffin

Weight of various raw materials.
Flour, cocoa powder, baking soda powder and sieve.
Butter, sugar, and sugar syr...


The classic crispy cake

I grew up eating this cake, and then I upgraded it to crispy cake, and I still love it.This time I made a very simple lazy version, with a little less sugar, a soft taste, like when I was a kid, perfect for children to eat!...


Blueberry and coconut cake

It's rare to make such a simple cake roll, usually it's a flower, it takes more time to paint, or it's simple, these days in the snow I haven't gone out to buy cream, there's a bottle of blueberry sauce at home, it's sprinkled with coconut silk, it's decorative and delicious!...
