Bread and butter

A conventional bread dough method involves mixing various ingredients together into a dough, leaving the eggs with a lit...


Hot dogs

I remember when I first started making bread, most of the time I made small bread, because I added different fillings, changed different styles, so that the people who didn't know the bread at home admired me.As for the taste, they are accustomed to a single taste, so adding a little sweet or salty bread will make them scream.It's so naive to want to come now, it's so naive to let your family's praise go to your head.But the support of the family, their good appetite, is our greatest spiritual support, our greatest...


Yellow salad bread

A reference to Teacher Meng...


What is the name of the city?

Gourhof is a Western holiday bread, and like the Stollen made at Christmas, it's a Western traditional holiday food, unlike the usual staple bread, with a lot of butter and rum-soaked dried fruit, and some dried fruit seeds, and the idea of eating and drinking on the holiday is the same.As the saying goes, it's better to be a gourmet than a gourmet....


Nicholas and I

Among the many varieties of bread suitable for home baking, it is worth mentioning that it is a bit difficult.Its main difficulty lies in the fact that the so-called layer is wrapped in a large amount of fat in the fermented dough, the layers are unwrapped, so that the layer of dough covers the fat, in the high-temperature baking presents the effect of layering the dough, the entrance of the dough is crisp and fragrant.The number of times the dough is folded varies, so you can get a different taste of the dough.Nik...


Caterpillar bread

Middle: 350 grams of bread flour, 5 grams of dry yeast, 140 grams of milk, 75 grams of whole eggs
The yeast in the m...


The little turtle bag.

People always worship one thing in particular at a certain time, and there was a boy in high school who was always particularly fond of drawing little turtles.After reading a series of books, I found out that a certain stage of special love for a certain thing is a manifestation of growth, immersion in that small circle, being able to improve one's attention, being able to develop one's ability to think independently.Children are natural, they always like small animals, they make a small bread with their children, ...


Pumpkin wrapping

I remember reading an article in a magazine that said that eating more pumpkins in the spring can help children grow tall, the baby is almost three years old now, although the height of the child is not good, but it always feels better to be taller, a few days ago she bought a big pumpkin and went home, she doesn't like to cook, so she changed the decoration, the packaging is not good!...


Milk and honey

Sometimes when you make sweet bread, you don't count the recipe and the amount, and there's some dough left over.Sometimes the dough is ready, but sometimes something comes out.This time I'm going to use this dough to make a little burrito.This is a cream-scented little burrito, because it uses a lot of egg yolk and butter, and the milk smells good, and it's a crispy heart with sesame flavor on the outside, and a soft, sticky heart on the inside.It's very small, and it's very good as a snack.The quantity given here...


Vegetable bread

Are you tired of white toast, milk toast? Then hurry up and try this colorful vegetable toast.Added vegetables and tomatoes, not only enrich the nutrition, but also the taste and flavor are very distinctive. ...


Rosemary leaf cake

With the spring breeze of rosemary, try different salty breads.And the most gratifying thing is that such bread can be accepted by the parents.Teacher Meng's leaf-shaped bread, replacing the surface spices with rosemary, wood with olive oil, and corn oil.Unfortunately, the grill is too small, the four pieces of dough are too cramped together, and it's impossible to pull the leaf vein out of the larger hole.It is feared that when baking, the gaps that are barely pulled out will be re-glued together due to the expans...


Rural cranberry bread

I've made a lot of bread, but I've never had the courage to try it.The first impression of the oboe is either that it's thick and hard as a brick, and it can kill you, or that it's high in oil and sugar, and it's disgusting to look at...Of course, these are my first impressions after seeing the picture...Later, I made Stollen and Pandolo Christmas bread, which tasted good, although it was a little high in calories...However, the impression of the European Union has also improved.The recipe for this attempt, still r...
