Tiramisu cake

Tiramisu is a classic Italian dessert, and it is said that after eating a delicious tiramisu, you will be happy and float away as if you were in a wonderland.On the planet of love, the girl who longs for love, who calls Tiramisu "the taste of love", does not tire of beating the eggs, gently stirring the dough, and finally, after more than a dozen hours of frozen simmering, carefully tastes the taste of this hope intertwined with sweet love. ...


Curry apple pork chops

Wash the pork slices, sprinkle the salt and pepper powder, and marinate for a while; wash the onion heads, ginger, and g...


Challenging McDonald's with peach sauce and hamburgers

The pork chops are seasoned with salt and pepper; the eggs and milk are mixed evenly; the pork chops are sprinkled with ...


Onion and egg noodles

Materials: eggs and onions
The noodles.
Put the eggs in a bowl and add the right amount of wine.
The eggs ar...


Cream of wheat

I've never understood how the supermarket's frozen milk is made, and at home, whether it's milk powder, milk, or condensed milk, it doesn't have that smell and delicate flavor!Today I have some cream left at home, the weather is hot, I don't want to make bread, I want to make some noodles, the noodles with cream still smell a little milky, and they are more delicate than not!...


Cabbage boxes

Eggs scattered, fried, shoveled into small pieces; tofu dried, chopped; leeks washed, chopped; powder cooked, dried, and...


Two-colored butterfly

I used to think it was unbelievable to see beautiful heads and flowers of all shapes and sizes, and I was very envious of those who would do it.As soon as you learn how to do it yourself, you'll find that it's not difficult, you just need to think a little bit more! Today's butterfly shape is a pasta that has amazed me, as long as you master the technique, everyone can do it!...


Mixed cookie boxes

Three dogs took four days off for the National Day! Big favor! I made a roast and gave it to my boyfriend's family...


The original cookie

The last time I made a cranberry cookie, my son thought the cranberry was dry and hard, so he insisted on not adding this, so this time I made the original, with the recipe of the field cookie, it's baking, it feels good.It feels warm in the oven, I like this recipe, it doesn't feel particularly greasy....


This is the first time I've been able to do this in my life.

I've always loved this bread, it's the first time I've made it, I've also borrowed other people's recipes, I've made some adjustments, the finished product is still amazing, it's not bad with the one sold in the bakery.10 grams of flour and 60 grams of water are heated to 65 degrees Celsius to form a transparent paste, which is then covered with a preservative film and refrigerated overnight.I used this to make a plate of three meatballs, and the rest of the dough I used to make three hamburger dumplings....


Bread with a twist

I love flowery bread, cut and twisted by hand, it's a beautiful flower, simple, but it brings us joy....


Cheese and pizza

Cleaning utensils
Measure the main ingredient.
The yeast is heated, added to the salt, mixed, and poured into a ...
