Depp's oven recipe is handmade.

Raw materials
Pour the flour, sugar, and yeast into the stirring vessel and mix slowly for 1 min;
Add the eggs a...


Almond candy bread

I used to like to buy a cake with almond slices on it, but I didn't eat the cake, but I picked up a piece of almond slices on the cake and put it in my mouth to taste.Now I'm going to bake it myself, and I'm going to put a layer of almond slices on top of the bread, and I'm going to be satisfied.This portion can make eight loaves of bread. ...


Spinach milk and whole wheat toast

Spinach is washed and cooked.
Mix all the ingredients in a freshly packed bag and refrigerate for more t...


Flaxseed yogurt bread

Preparing materials
The prepared intermediate material is placed in the bread bucket in the order of wet and dry, an...


Red cream and whole wheat toast

All the ingredients of the yeast are mixed without particles, covered with a preservative film, refrigerated for more th...


White bread

White baked bread, mainly controlling the temperature of baking and the placement of materials Unlike sweet bread, it tastes clear and soft. ...


Brioche bread

Brioche is a type of European milk bread made from brioche dough that can be used to make cream rolls and fillings that can be added to different recipes, such as gingerbread.The production process takes a while, after the middle dough is added to the sweet dough and the main dough, the fermentation process is long, and the soft milk smells like a tasty bread. ...


Thousand layers of sesame bread

Combined with Danish dough, add your favorite filling, a soft, crisp, thousand-layer bread, good to eat and good to make. ...


Hong Kong wife cake

Hong Kong-style wife cake, cake peel loosened slurry, filled heart moisturized soft, sweet taste without fatigue.It is a Chinese afternoon tea that is fragrant and free of charge, accompanied by a pot of thick pu-erh....


Dried toast with cream

It takes three nights to complete a toast, there is no time to keep the dough fermented, instead resorting to refrigerated fermentation.However, the temperature was really low, and even if you doubled the amount of yeast in the recipe, it took almost two and a half hours to ferment in the oven at the last fermentation to reach the ideal height.However, the same amount, the mold used by Mr. Meng is smaller than mine.So, with all my patience, I waited more than two hours to see if it would rise to eight percent of th...


100% whole wheat bread

Today, this whole-wheat bread is made from 100% whole-wheat bread flour, has a more chewy flavor, can be finely chopped to a smooth texture, and is oil-free, low-sugar, and 100% healthy!...


English water curtain bread

And the dough is done, and the dough is done.
After rounding the dough, continue to put it in the wrapping machine, ...
