Cabbage and cookies

It's easy to make, it's easy to make, it's easy to make, and it's easy to make....


Nut butter cookies

Remove the butter from the package, take the corresponding portion, cut it into small pieces and leave it to soften at r...


Nut butter cookies

It's a lot of copies, it tastes good, it smells good, it tastes good. ...


Almond butter and cookies

The teacher's nut butter cookie.When the almond flour is gone, I use low flour, and the nuts are just big almonds, and they smell good, but for my own taste, I can actually reduce the sugar a little bit....


Butter and walnut cookies

This butter walnut cookie is a recipe from your teacher's nut butter cookie, and I replaced the nuts with walnuts, and I used baking soda to ferment the butter, and it tasted just as good, and the baked biscuits tasted just as good, and I couldn't stop eating them. ...


Nut butter cookies

Nut butter cookies, sweet and sour, a bite, a bite, a bite, a bite, a bite, a bite, a bite...



Today I made peach butter, the original recipe was changed a lot by me, the original recipe was made with medium flour + vegetable oil + baking soda, and the result was changed by me due to material limitations: low flour + butter + baking powder.In order to achieve a more spicy effect, I mixed the butter with the flour, and I was amazed to make this peach paste, and the result surprised me, it was really spicy, and I could eat the spicy walnut seeds in every bite.Finally, I would like to say that this oven has a r...


Nut butter and oatmeal cookies

Butter softened at room temperature (can be easily punctured), added sugar powder, opened with an egg beater.
Until ...


Nut butter cookies

Following your teacher's nuts cookie, I use peanut butter and walnuts so it tastes great, peanut butter is a fermented butter, it tastes strong, it tastes unique, it has a little bit of acidity, it makes the cookie taste better. ...


The cookie.

Preparing all the materials
Sugar powder is sifted, added to softened butter, stirred with a scraper, added salt, st...


Chocolate cookies

In recent years, there have been too many food security problems, too many rice problems, too many oil problems, too many pork problems, too many shrimp problems...We don't have the time to raise pigs, we don't have the time to grow rice seeds, we don't have the time to fish shrimp, we can only try to find the healthiest, most authentic ingredients for the family to eat, and of course some of that we can also try to change. We can make our own hamburgers, we can make our own drinks, we can make our own snacks for t...


Chocolate cookies

White sugar and butter, put in an egg beater and beat slowly until slightly bubbly
Add the egg yolk.
Chocolate w...
