Seafood pizza with shrimp stripes

Pizza is now accepted and liked by many people, mainly because of the attractive smell of thick cheese, as well as the variety of ingredients that can be combined according to one's preferences, there is always a combination that one likes.And the high-fat, high-calcium nutritional content of the cheese is especially suitable for growing children.Feeding your child pizza, full of nutrients, can boost your body.It's not enough to use a lot of cheese, it's a bit expensive, but if you count it per person, it won't cos...


Pizza with a thin base of garlic sauce

If you like the taste of garlic, I'm sure you won't refuse this Chinese-style pizza, which can be served as a main course and as a snack during afternoon tea!...


Milk and cheese

Put the flour, the milk, the eggs, the sugar, the salt, the yeast together in the wrapping machine b...


Honey beans and tea cups

This little cake is made in my family all the time, because my son loves the taste of matcha honeybees, and some of his classmates love the taste, so today I baked some and gave them to my classmates, and they opened flowers!...


Carrot cake

Carrot cake is very popular in the West.Unlike the fluffy and soft sponge cake, this cake is very rich in content.Carrot cake is rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene.It's good for digestion, it's clear, it's a modern health food.Fresh and non-sticky, it is the best choice for afternoon tea or breakfast.Suitable for all audiences. ...



In the late autumn afternoon, a cup of flower tea, a homemade cake, a very pleasant feeling -- this time I made a delicious six-inch afternoon tea heart -- a cheesecake....


French Shavaline Cake

Savarin is a more traditional French dessert, the recipe is more complicated, JuJu uses a simpler method to make this cake, a bite full of mouth is a thick orange flavor, it is simply a fruit-flavored cake that will appeal to both men and women....


Chinese tofu cake

Tofu cake is a very healthy cake, because its production process requires only protein, egg yolk is not added, so it is not afraid of cholesterol, and has a fragrant tofu taste, making it a healthy and delicious cake. ...


Two-colored sponge cake

For the color of the cake, for the color of the mood, for the color of the cake, for the color of the cake, for the color of the cake, for the color of the cake, for the color of the cake."I've done a painting on the front with dyes, and this one with red powder, to make a dream cake."It's easier and faster to make a sponge.It's good to get used to eating plain-colored cakes, change the color, and the mood is especially good, especially red, which keeps you warm. ...


Electric rice cakes

There's a wood oven in the house, so practice cooking with electric rice.In this regard, it can be said that this kind of high-end baking is sweet, and it has been defeated many times, and it has been defeated many times!..At first, I was just happy, with a little bit of flour, twisting and turning a cake in the microwave, a thin layer, literally a cake that was good, very soft.Later, it was decided to start mass production...All right, then...Frustrated over and over again, she was almost rejected at home...It was...


Small sponge cake

Today I made a 6-inch one, ready to be used to make mousse cake, the original recipe used an 18-inch round mold, equivalent to 7 inches, I used a 6-inch mold, so I multiplied the recipe by 0.9 to make it!...


Carrots and yogurt

Wanting to try a different flavor, I chose this recipe from the forbidden language, which is better than the usual flavor due to the addition of cream caramel sauce.The original yogurt is the rarer kind, I used the old yogurt, maybe the dough is a little dry, the finished bubble is a little more, it tastes good in the mouth.Before eating, I also poured yogurt and carrot sauce, and at the end I added a little flaxseed powder on top, and the taste level was richer.(I made two eggs, two-fifths of a square, and three f...
