Everyone loves the potato cheese pack

It is necessary to eat more watermelon in the early spring, not only to nourish the stomach and stomach to help digestion, but also to prevent spring sleep.Because excessive consumption of rice flour, meat, and eggs in the daily diet can cause the body's fluids to be too acidic, people are prone to constipation.So, eating some alkaline foods can relieve spring sleep.Potatoes are alkaline, energy-neutral and acidic, guaranteeing human health.In addition, sweet potatoes can maintain the elasticity of the walls of the...


Sweet soy milk stew

Every weekend when the family gets together, I like to make all kinds of packages for the family.The overall feeling of the packaging looks the most full and spectacular, and a small loaf of bread or a bar or a circle is tightly connected, as intimate as a family.This pack, originally a glutinous rice honey yogurt pack, is low in fat and quite soft, and is one of my favorite packing recipes.This time, I put a layer of my favorite Japanese sweet bean paste on top of the bread, and after the oven, I added a layer of ...


Coconut bread rolls

It's been a long time since I've made bread, so let's have a coconut bread roll today....


Red cranberry bread

I don't remember, I used to make raisins.At that time, according to Teacher Meng's recipe, the bread was made with red flour, which was deep red.After thinking about it, the red curry in the recipe may not be red curry powder, but the red curry sauce in the ingredient description in the front.Nowadays, cranberry versions are made with only one-eighth of a teaspoon of red cabbage flour, and the dough is much lighter in color.Compared to Teacher Meng's drawing, perhaps, it could be a little shallower? There is no flo...


Wild onion and sausage bread

3.15 also exposed a lot of bakeries, I saw that it was terrible, or did you make your own bread? The key is to eat and rest assured, in fact, you will make your own bread, it is not difficult to make bread, and you can also add your favorite ingredients according to your taste, this onion I put wild onions, when baked full of onion smell, baked immediately dried one, there is still a faint onion smell between the lips and teeth ...


The strawberry cheese triangle

Picking strawberries again this weekend.The feeling of eating strawberries is the taste, the sight, the pleasure.As soon as he entered the strawberry shed, a reddish-brown strawberry, like a small lantern on a green vine, greeted him with a faint sweetness, and literally sprouted.As a child, I especially liked to pick strawberries, and my mother always planted a big piece in front of the door, usually by mid-May, the strawberries began to ripen.My sister and I go to the strawberry fields every day, and the strawber...


Dried soft bread

This bread is made from plain flour, without sugar, with olive oil instead of butter, without the need to rub the dough out of the glove film, it can be made as soft as bread. ...


Soy milk and spices

Mix all the liquids, stir evenly, pour into the sorting, stir evenly, stir until the dough expands, add butter and conti...


Bakery version of ham bread

Preparing all the materials
Materials other than yeast and oil are placed in the packaging barrel.
Select menu 7...


A boat full of milk and crab meat

All the dried powder is mixed evenly in the cooking pot.
Add an egg yolk, slowly add fresh cream and flour, differen...


Cottage cheese bread

All dry materials except salt are mixed evenly in a clean cooking pot.
35 grams of mixed cassava sauce with room tem...


Whole wheat cream

High-quality whole wheat flour, sour cream, yeast, and sugar are all mixed together evenly.
Slowly add the milk and ...
