Cake of dates

I'm a beginner in baking, and it's nice to see my family and friends eating their own handmade cakes, but there's so much variety in baking, and my memory isn't very good, and in order not to forget the recipes I've made, and to be able to progress with everyone, I decided to write down the good things I've made.This is the second time I've tried it, and it wasn't very successful, some soft, some sticky. ...


Lava chocolate cake

Lava chocolate cake, which originated in Austria and is known in Hong Kong as too soft, is a French dessert, a small chocolate cake made from chocolate cheese cake, with less sugar and a stronger cocoa flavor.She looks strong, but she's soft inside, and if you don't try, you'll never know how rich and beautiful she is inside.The dark brown chocolate cake is coated with a sweet and fragrant chocolate paste, and it is said that when you eat chocolate, the enzymes released by the human body are equivalent to the perio...


Pumpkin cheese soft cake

Wash the pumpkin, cut it into pieces, and steam for 10 minutes.
Take two pieces of pumpkin paste and crush them sepa...


Lemon cake with spices

Peel the lemon and stir the fine sugar evenly (without a peeler, peel the lemon with a knife and cut it into small piece...


Fresh shrimp cake

Preparation materials: washed cucumbers and carrots, sifted, shrimp head, shrimp line peeled into shrimp kernels


Lava chocolate cake

First, pour the cream into the milk pan, heat it up to about 60 degrees, and then put the chocolate in the cream, stirri...


A small cranberry cake

Prepare the above materials.
Separate the egg yolk from the egg yolk.
Add corn oil, milk, and olive oil to the e...


Cake rolls with beans

From childhood to adulthood, I didn't like to eat beans because I didn't like the feeling of a full mouth.In fact, the nutritional value of soybeans is quite high, the fat content of soybeans is significantly higher than that of other vegetables, but many of them are mainly unsaturated fatty acids, such as essential fatty acids and amino acids, which can improve fat metabolism and help reduce triglycerides and cholesterol in the body.I've been making a lot of different ingredients, and I've always wanted to make a ...


Soft, sweet and non-greasy banana, walnut and blueberry cake

All materials are ready.
Bananas are crushed in plastic bags, blueberries are dried in boiling water, walnuts are ba...


Tea and red bean cake rolls

After the enthusiasm of the previous days for biscuits, I became interested in all kinds of cake rolls, raw, meatballs, tea rolls, that's all kinds of rolls.I made a honey red bean pie the other day, and I put a layer of blueberry jam on it, and it's very sweet.As for how to roll the cake, I cut it with a knife on the side where I started rolling it, but I didn't cut it, and then I just rolled it.In fact, I've never learned how to use a toothpick, and I don't think I ever will.So the coordination is not bad in gene...



A cup of coffee, and enjoy this wonderful afternoon!...


Banana and peanut butter cake

It's been a long time since I've moved the oven, and today I'm going to do a little bit of baking to solve the banana problem at home.This is a bunch of bananas that my cousin bought last week, a dozen kilos, and it's hard for me to get rid of so many bananas at home, it's going to rot, so I'll just bake some for my friends and leave some for myself.Today's recipe is called banana peel cake, and it's a very simple recipe.You don't need an electric egg beater and a lot of tools to make it, as long as you have an ove...
