Lava chocolate cake

The first time I heard about lava chocolate cake was when I saw it at the top chef's house, and then I realized that I was too lonely to smell it.I don't know why I wanted to try this cake today, so... I tried it. ...


Rainbow cake

The dormitory is both a kitchen and a bedroom, so you have to overcome the harsh conditions.I've always wanted to make a rainbow cake, but I've been making it for a while now, and I don't think it's very tasty, and I can't eat it by myself.So today I made the cream of YOoooooo, it should be beautiful! As a result, due to the weather, the preparation of ice cubes in advance, etc., the cream is... so hard, it's hard..T and T...


Paper cups decorating cakes

It's been a long time since I've made a cake, it's too hot, I don't usually make too big a cake, I can't eat it easily, today I caught up with my husband's birthday, I baked a small paper cup, simple decoration, one by one, I saved the trouble of cutting the cake, it's also a birthday, it's not the size of the cake, it's the intention. ...


Fruit cakes from the Virgin Mary

The raw materials are ready for use.
The dried fruit is cut into small grains.
After mixing the low-powdered van...


Mango yogurt mousse

The child's aunt sent a big mango, especially sweet and juicy, but the husband was afraid of allergies and didn't dare to eat much, the baby in the family tasted a few bites and didn't eat!It's a very popular cake, it's 6 inches small, and the whole family can make it, huh!...


Chocolate lava cake

Today is the first day of the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the most romantic of our traditional holidays, also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day.On this special day, what's on the program? Would you like to make a hearty meal for your loved one with your own hands?Chocolate lava cake, also known as lava chocolate cake, or soft-hearted chocolate cake.I like to call it a chocolate lava cake, isn't it picturesque? Use a spoon to poke a hole, the thick chocolate paste inside the cake flows out like v...


Chocolate brownie

The butter and chocolate are melted and stirred evenly;
Add white sugar to stir evenly;
Add the egg juice to sti...


Sweet blueberry rolls

The blueberry sauce that we've been making for a long time finally came in handy today, the hot weather hasn't started making bread, and no one is interested in these dried pastries! Today we've cooled down here, it's a little cooler, we went straight to the kitchen to make bread, the milk powder ran out, so we added a lot of light cream, so the bread is very soft!...


Square-shaped cake

Wash the mold and dry it until there is no water!
Egg yolk and protein separated!
Put white sugar in the egg yol...


Orange cup cake

Boil the whole orange in water for 25 to 30 minutes.
After cooking, the oranges can be used to remove the bitter tas...


Three inches of pumpkin cake

Wash the mold and dry it without drops of water!
Egg yolk and protein separated!
Put the egg yolk in the white s...


Light cheese cake

This summer I've been making yogurt cakes, now it's autumn, and I've been making cheese cakes too. Last night I came out of the shower and saw my daughter eating cakes, and she saw me and said, "Mom, why didn't you tell me you made cakes?"Oh, it's not like you're going to sleep and want to leave something for you to eat tomorrow....
