Olivia Cupcake is a private dessert

I've been watching the bankruptcy sisters lately, and I'm deeply in love with MAX, and I didn't expect that the women would also like to bake, haha, to see the lovely Sophie so fond of eating cupcakes made by MAX, and to see the white-haired Catherine running her paper cupcake house with MAX, and so on, and it's a really good feeling, and it made me want to open a bakery....


Tiramisu with coconut tea

I chose the combination of coconut powder and matcha on this side, instead of cocoa powder, because of the bitterness of a little bit of matcha powder, just brought out the aroma of matcha coffee, purely personal nonsense, so for everyone's reference.. ...


Macaroni with zero difficulty

Many people think that macaroons should be made by skilled people, so they can only look back, in fact, today's macaroons can even be operated by baking cabbages, as long as you understand a few points, you can successfully make macaroons!!!...


Cheese and ham toast

The year is counted in the spring, and the day is counted in the morning.Breakfast must be eaten like a queen!!!!! Every kilogram of cheese is made from 10 kilograms of concentrated milk.Cheese is the champion of calcium supplementation in dairy products.Cheese is rich in calcium and is easily absorbed by the human body. Cheese without lactose is very easy to digest and absorb. ...


Cinnamon rolls

Once I bought a cinnamon bread, it left a shadow, I didn't dare to touch the cinnamon for a long time, until last week Opera Bombana tasted the cinnamon roll, I fell deeply in love with the roll, I fell in love with the taste. ...


Almond meat cake rolls

The meat pie roll is very common, but to eat it well, there are two tricks, the meat pie must be meat-like, that is, the entrance must be made that way, so that there is no sticky mouth or constant biting embarrassment, the cake can also be baked with almond slices and seaweed, so that the cake roll has no flavor, rich taste.DIY cake rolls at home are delicious, you have to be more careful than the ones on the market!...


Cake of the wind

Sugar 2 oil and milk mixed until there are no particles,
The egg yolk comes out and spreads, spreads, spreads, sprea...


The bear mango

Mango paste and lemon juice mixed with milk is placed in a pan and heated.
Egg butter and sugar powder are mixed to ...


Mango yogurt mousse

Recipe slightly modified from A_FOODIE...


Medium-sized milk wheat

The main ingredients are milk, cream, 8 g of sugar, egg yolk, flour, yeast mixed into a medium dough, fermented at room ...


Classical Portuguese eggnog

Put the milk, cream, sugar, and condensed milk in a water-free pot, dissolve the white sugar on a small fire, and then d...


Light cheese cake

Put the cheese and milk together and prepare a pot with hot water (no boiling)
The water is stirred evenly, there ma...
