100% Chinese alcoholic milk toast

This recipe comes from a very classic 100% Chinese alcoholic milk toast that has been refrigerated for 16-18 hours, with the addition of light cream, so the finished bread is extremely soft. The moment you see your finger press on the bread and bounce back to its original state, you feel that no matter how long the wait is worth it, the soft texture and the wonderful taste are the best gifts to give back to time.This bread tastes very good, it tastes very good, it tastes very good.The quantity given in the square i...


How to make Fuji Mountain bread

All the ingredients are stirred together until the dough is smooth and elastic, and the butter is added and stirred even...


Japanese red bean bread

Japanese red bean bread weighs 1450 grams and can be made into 8 pieces per 180 grams....


Caesar's bread

It is a European-style bread, with a windmill-shaped shape, the aroma of flower seeds, a thin and crisp outer skin, and a soft inside at the entrance.The perfect recipe comes from an apprentice baker who uses a Chinese method to make the bread taste better and thicker.The recipe makes nine Caesar breads with a diameter of about 10 cm. ...


Japanese cereal nut bread

Recipe and preparation of Japanese cereal nut bread with a total weight of 1450 grams per 180 grams...


Turkish bread rolls - Simit

In Turkey, there is a delicious sesame bread called "Simit" that is sold on the streets, but it is an essential food in Turkish life, even in Turkey, Simit + black tea + cheese is one of the most popular dishes, many Turks can eat it for three meals a day!...


Spinach bread

Wangsen's world-renowned cooking school makes spinach bread...


Scented meatloaf bread

The bread maker and the dough used in the video can also be used by hand and the dough, whether by hand or by the bread maker, the dough must be rubbed out of the thin film, slowly pull the dough with the hand, you can see that the dough is not easy to break, forming a thin film, if there is a crack, the edge of the crack should be smooth and without teeth.This is how you make a soft, tasty loaf of bread. Oh! Here's a beef loaf of bread that I made myself, and you can find it in my recipe! The recipe is huge, you c...


Snail bread

This little snail bread is also a reference to Sister Liberty's square, 50 grams of low-fat flour I replaced with 50 grams of medium-fat flour.Because the small part of the snail's house is too tightly rolled, the dough is squeezed out, resulting in the small snail's house being tower-shaped, the top part is more prominent, naturally the first color, so the finished color is not uniform.The custard is temporarily thawed, squeezed unevenly, squeezed too much, and in short, there are several flaws in this small bread...


Packaged in Hokkaido

I really like the newly bought toast powder, it's not unstable, it's not unstable, it's just right for the length, it's just right for the size of a 450 gram toast. ...


Light cream packaging

There is a lot of leftover light cream for making cream cakes, according to the principle of not wasting, making bread and entering it.The square is based on the classic Hokkaido toast, and the finished product is very soft.It's a good place to deal with leftover cream. ...


Pumpkin toast with face yeast

The face fermentation method is a very old method, when making pasta leave a piece of good dough, let it ferment, the next time this dough is mixed with warm water and mixed into the new material, it can ferment, although the speed is slower, but the effect will be better than yeast flour.It is no exaggeration to say that Chinese food has been the essence of Chinese food for thousands of years. The people eat it as a matter of course, fermented food is nutritious, tastes soft and easy to be absorbed by the intestin...
