Almonds and cookies

The sugar-oil mixing method, using a hand or an egg beater to mix the two, spreads the butter.
Then add the eggs to ...


Sweet and sour lemon cookies

Let's have some sweet and sour biscuits.The square comes from the king's chest. ...


Peanut butter cookies

The peanut butter in the fridge hasn't been used much, it's close to its expiration date, and I'm thinking of making some cookies, which is perfect. ...


Peanut butter cookies

Low flour and cornstarch are well mixed.
The butter is heated in an electromagnetic furnace, melted, added to the su...


Peanut cookies

poured into peanut oil;
Add the peanut butter;
Add white sugar;
Add the egg juice;
Mix into a uniform pe...


Cranberry cookies

The material is suitable for spare parts, dried cranberries and chopped.
Butter softening
You can use the microw...


Peanut butter and cookies

Let's start with the whole family.
After softening the butter at room temperature, add sugar powder and stir evenly....


Lemon and banana pie

It's not hard, it's a small cookie, but it tastes great, it's sour, it's sweet, it's not boring, it's square, it's like a little bit of sugar....


Tea and almond cookies

All materials are ready.
Butter and sugar powder mixed evenly, no need to spread
Add the egg juice and stir slow...


The cranberry cookie

Cranberry cuttings as a backup
Butter softening at room temperature and adding butter
The eggs are mixed in anot...


The original cookie

I often hear some friends say that the snacks that are currently sold in the market are more or less filled with some preservatives, often consumed or harmful to the human body, even though I like to eat these snacks, to hear such frightening statements, I just have to swallow my mouth, I also buy as little as possible or not.Don't eat, there's still a little bit of craving, think about it or do it yourself, it's safer, so don't worry about it, just decide to do it yourself, if you don't do it, learn it, read the b...


The panda cookie

For the sake of girlfriends, this recipe is baked to make it smell like coconut milk....
