The golden cake

This cake is made using the hot-paste method, so the cake is soft, delicate, moist, and creamy, and the beautiful patterns make it even more delicious. ...


Warm afternoon tea with waffles

Late autumn weekend afternoons, free time, making a typical dessert from Central Europe, sitting in a hammock, reading a book, are the rhythm of life after a busy week.Waffles originated in the Netherlands, then floated across the ocean and became popular in China.It can be served as breakfast, lunch tea and afternoon tea with different sauces and fruits.This waffle cake uses the American waffle method, mixing all the ingredients into a paste, it doesn't take much time to ferment in advance, it tastes soft and crea...


Beer cake

What does a beer cake taste like? A freshly baked cake is poured with beer while it's hot, sealed after it cools, and eaten three days later.I kept one, didn't pour the beer, tried it as soon as it cooled, as if it didn't taste special, it didn't taste like beer.What will be the taste of those who are sealed? It will be known after three days. ...


Cookies come from sweet love

Now we're going to share with you the secrets of love that we've learned through many experiments, and we're going to share with you the sweet biscuits of love that you deserve!...
