Black rice and cheese

Making black rice pudding: After soaking black rice overnight, cook it into rice, then add cream cheese and sugar to it,...


Alkaline water knot bread

It is said that the bakery apprentice mistakenly took the alkaline water as a sugar water brush and put it on the bread, unexpectedly it became a tasty alkaline water bread, slightly salty, and beer is perfect, the German beer festival must not lack this alkaline water bag.Beautifully twisted, reddish-brown in color, with a soft, tough texture, a unique alkaline aroma, the middle thick part of the texture is soft and dense, the sharp two heads of the mouth are crisp, the same bread has a different flavor, the alkal...


How to make ham cheese

The Danish dough is pressed to a thickness of 0.5 cm and divided into triangles 18 cm high and 10 cm wide.
Ham and c...


Pumpkin cream Danish bread making

The Danish dough is pressed to a thickness of 0.5 cm and divided into 11 x 11 cm squares.
Squeeze the pumpkin fillin...


Cabbage bread

Coconut bread has always been one of my favorite breads, it has a strong coconut flavor that makes you drunk, and if you have time, you can bake some for yourself..... ...


French fries

About 1000 grams of mashed potatoes, peeled and pressed into clay with a spoon.
Depending on the actual situation in...


Chestnut bread

The square of this bread comes from the bread champion teacher Lin Yue, and the original filling is made from potatoes, and I just had chickpeas in my hand, and then some of the ingredients in the original recipe are not, so the square has changed slightly....


Focaccia and Focaccia

When Winnie used to live in central Italy, the neighbors' children would wake up in the middle of the day on their way to the park to take a nap and go to the bakery to buy a piece of bread, which was quite healthy for the Italian children to eat!...


Honey grape dry toast

I've made a lot of toast, and it's getting better and better lately.The last few times I made toast, some of my friends said it wasn't sweet (in fact, the toast should have been lighter), this time I added honey and raisins.This time the amount of flour may be too much, both toasts are at the top, one of them is too much, it swells so much during baking that it is squeezed out of the hole at the bottom of the toast box; after baking, the toast box lid cannot be removed.The finished product is good.It is very soft a...


Cheese and bread crab with Korean crab meat pie

Prepare all materials for cleaning and sorting
The yellow crab is placed in the crab shell, and all the other crab m...


French Village

Stir all the material until the surface is smooth and elastic.
About 50 minutes at room temperature
Divide the d...


Homemade bread

Flour 600 grams of soybean meal 400 grams of honey 1 tablespoon of salt 10 grams of yeast flour 5 grams, machine mixed f...
