New Orleans fried wings

Wash the wings, cut the flowers;
Add water to the salt and stir.
Mix the chicken wings with the sauce and simmer...


Chocolate cake

Make the cake filling: heat the cream at low temperature in a frying pan; crush the white chocolate in an electric blend...


Gilly shrimp

Remove the head, skin, legs, and tail of the shrimp, remove the black lines from the back, wash it clean, cut the back t...


Homemade cream cheese

Preparation of raw materials
Mix the milk and cream evenly and put in the microwave on high heat for five minutes, d...


Cocktail shrimp

The traditional practice of cocktail shrimp is to cook the shrimp in the shell and serve it in a glass with Marie Rose sauce.From the 1960s to the late 1980s, it was a popular seafood appetizer in the UK.There is no first course as popular as a cocktail of shrimp with a large serving of cocktail sauce.It's always simple, delicious, healthy and good looking!...
